Price increases

It was, I didn’t realise until I searched back for it…how time flies! :flushed:

But I still don’t believe any costs, to the degree inferred, are filtering through to the end of chain already….but then, I have no real insight.

So what did Maersk do – re-hire 10,000 people…?!

Off to listen to some New Classics today, for the first time. Be interesting, but probably not unexpected, if the dealer brings up price. IMO HiFi is a real luxury item, I certainly view my expenditure on it as exceptionally discretionary. Music I buy monthly, hifi very much less often. If/as/when I do spend money on it, the price is what it is.

Beans I buy weekly, and price rises on the weekly shopping are far more serious


I have no idea, but I do know they are no longer going the Red Sea route.

Plenty of news articles on this topic.
From the BBC back in January 3rd:
…a warning from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) that the disruption could have a knock-on effect on product availability and prices.

Chief executive Helen Dickinson said this was “as a result of higher transportation and shipping insurance costs”.

“Over the coming months, some goods will take longer to be shipped,” she added.
Guy Platten, secretary general of the International Chamber of Shipping warned “we won’t see much of an impact until later on in January”.

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The headline I do not want to read is this -

Naim Audio Declares Bankruptcy - company failed to increase prices to reflect increased costs.


Richard why is it not ok for some to mention other forums and others seem to get away with it.


I remove references to discussion on other forums/social media as per forum rules.

Hypothetical mention of a fictitious forum is probably OK though, depending on the context. As ever, a judgement call.


That’s a hair split Richard, really is.

Next time, I’ll be a clever ass and remember to be hypothetical……:roll_eyes:



Please do, although bear in mind that just saying that something is hypothetical doesn’t make it so…


The shipping cost have gone up, my daughter works for OOCL shipping. But they will go down……but will consumer prices drop?


No, I can certainly be cleverer than that…I think! :grinning:

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Maybe it’s as simple as this. Margins were not met. Not enough new series stuff sold. Price increase to ensure that margins are met this year.

If you can’t afford it folks then just stop whining and don’t buy it. Simple really

I made the decision years ago and I simply will not buy any more Naim kit. Maybe a last LP12 splash and that’s it


I thought Naim raised prices automaticall every year (much like Linn)? Is this not the case? Either way we don’t even know the extent yet.

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They do and it’s always been approximately 5% going back decades. Some products get spared a year. Some don’t.

As @HungryHalibut correctly said, we vote with our wallets. I was priced out of Naim upgrades way back in 2018 long before the really huge jumps.


Interestingly Naim’s GP% margin had been falling from 2018 to 2021. It picked up slightly in 2022 (most recent accounts) but was still 7% below the peak. So that does not look like outrageous price increases over cost.

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where did you find this info?

Well that seem nonsense. For the last 12 months shipping and component costs have been falling.

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Recently they have been shooting up. Since November shipping costs are up between 250 and 300% according to recent news stories. It seems we are about to feel the effects of this on many products - See here;

Companies House filed accounts. Lots of information in there.

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My UK dealer has confirmed price increases are incoming.

I’ve just ordered a 222/250, but not the NPX 300, even though I expect I will want to get one later/eventually. What do do? I’d dearly like to know how big the increase might be. If ~10% I might decide to buy now - or maybe not later on :slightly_frowning_face:.

You consider getting an order in to your Naim dealer, at the pre-increase price.

I did this (*), many years ago, when Naim price increases happened every April… :neutral_face:

[my HiCap #1 was bought late March’86]