Proac D2D/R

I’d start with them. I’d also not biwire. So find cables that work really well then consider matching jumpers

So, if I step back and look at my signal chain and want to spend some money on cables to add some warmth and body to the Proacs and get rid of the harshness: I have a Cardas Clear M power cord with my ModWright amp, OEM cord with my Aurender streamer, OEM power supply with my Chord Dac, Audioquest coffee USB cable between the streamer and dac, QED Reference Audio 40 interconnects from dac to the amp. Should all of the cables be of the same loom? Are you familiar with the Canadian cable manufacturer nrgcustomcables, VERY well reviewed. Most of the older Cardas cables seem to be considered “warm”? Sorry for the lengthy post, I really want to make these speakers work for me.

Hi Scotty. How would you describe the sound of your Modwright amp?

On the warm side of neutral, dynamic, top end extended but not super airy, the bass well extended but not super tight or muscular ,I still recall the first review I read on it in which they described it as an iron fist in a velvet glove, gobs of power

Trying to solve fundamental shortcomings of a speaker by changing cables is like switching to a different shoe polish because you don’t like the look of your loafers.


@Haim maybe so, but ProAc D2R are a fabulous sounding speaker, that need the right setup to sound their best


@Scotty2 we should look at the system from the front to the back. So are you in an apartment or house? Do you or have you added a dedicated AC line? That’s the first is good power line conditioning Shunyata or AudioQuest. Keep in mind you’re listening to the electric the powers your system. Try a different power cord on the amp. I think the Cardas may be causing the loose bass and the loss of top end air.I had a Chord Qutest and I’ve had an Aurender. Get a better USB cable. The Black Cat is good the Audience is better, AU24 . in fact all the Audience cables are good. Read some of the reviews. My system in concept is much like yours.

I’m in a house. The line is not dedicated, but I do have an Audioquest power conditioner.

Unless it’s really difficult I’d run the dedicated line. It’s worth the couple hundred. Which AQ PLC ?

Niagra 1200 power conditioner. I’m making a list for my electrian, does a dedicated circuit really make a difference?


I’ll add that to my list of tweaks. I return home from the cottage with the new speakers tomorrow, begin the break in process again and then start making changes, one at a time. Will post with my results as things progress. Thanks for all of the advice!

So… I unboxed the new Proacs this am and put them in the system. These are completely different speakers, I love them, straight out of the box! I don’t understand why they are so different than the other pair, but I shall not complain. The vocals, the texture, the detail…Even the finish is superior, veneer is smoother, far nicer grain pattern (the other veneer had knots), the bottom lip matches perfectly (the previous lip was several shades lighter than the veneer on the cabinet). Somewhat confused, but VERY content.


Outstanding!!! Keep in mind u will hit some rough patches but don’t sweat it.

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Thanks and I still do have some cable tweaking planned, so will let you know how that progresses. For now… I’m really enjoying the music!

Very happy for you Scotty2. Like @opus has mentioned you’ll have a few rough patches(if you even notice them). Strange that the other pair sounded so different. Your initial comments with this pair is what most of us kind of expected from the beginning. Mr. Tyler(RIP) is smiling down on you now.

I think the reason for the original Shxtty sound may have been from whatever damaged the corner of the first pair.

So lots of the suggestions you got prior are still valid. Spacing and toe in etc I’m pretty sure you’re gonna be a happy guy now. Bravo!

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100% agree!

“I love them, straight out of the box!” Great news, and exactly what most of us experienced … Is that straight out of the box with the connector bars still fitted?

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Yes it is, everything exactly as before.