Problem with Active 135 system

That’s how I do mine.

I would always recommend that you power down all the electronics….because I am a chartered elec. eng. and know everything.

Because I am a chartered elec. eng., and know everything, I often ignore my recommendation.

Mostly, I get away with it…………

Other times it has cost serious repair money.

As ever, the choice is yours.


No, the Scap(preamp) to Scap(SNAXO) interconnect is a standard SNAIC4; even though it does not carry secondary power between the two SCaps (and I would be in breach of forum rules if I took this any further :laughing:).

What I was asking Richard about was the interconnects between the SNAXO and Power Amps.

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No, it’s for when you use the smaller Naim amps in an active system. The SNAXO can have difficulty driving more than one SNAIC here without instability - the active leads are easier. You can, of course, use one between the pre-amp power supply signal out and the SNAXO power supply signal in, but it’s not necessary.


Ah yes. I forgot that the smaller power amps are not XLR connections. Thanks.

This is why recently when i had to disconnect my active system to decorate behind it, i put labels on them to stop any confusion. The Naxo 3-6 i left the din plugs connected to it and labelled the XLR’s to the 135’s like for example LEFT (speaker)… CH 1 or 2 (in 135)… MIDDLE (drive in speaker). Don’t even have to look at the manual.

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