Problem with Lags with Air Stream from MacBook

Hello, [Naim Unity ATOM]

  1. Problem - when I streaming sound form MacBook (YT or editing DaVinci Resolve) from normal “SOUND EXIT” - to “AIR way” Naim Studio, I’ll have MEGA Laggs ~1-2sec. Why? Is any way to repair this effect?
    But my experiment → Sound via Bluetooth and look like almost good, this is Acceptable !

  2. Can I connected MacBook via USB - > USB and stream this sound without laggs?

Many thanks for helping !

Hi, not sure exactly what you mean by “normal “SOUND EXIT” - to “AIR way” Naim Studio”, perhaps you can explain a little more?

You cannot use a direct USB connection into the Atom, although you could use a USB to SPDIF converter to connect to the Atom coax or optical input.

Hi, I am not exactly sure what you mean, but if you’re trying to stream your MacBook audio to your NAIM device using AirPlay, a lag of 1-2 or more seconds should be expected. It needs to buffer a few seconds of audio in order to be able to provide synchronized multi-speaker/multi-room sound. With Bluetooth I assume playback is more immediate because buffers are much smaller although I am not an expert in this matter.

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