Looks like the Product Histories are being updated…!!!
Try these - (jpgs I made from the original pdf’s) -
Looks like the Product Histories are being updated…!!!
Try these - (jpgs I made from the original pdf’s) -
Similar diagrams are currently listed for -
*CD Players
*Integrated Amps
*Streaming Products
*Ancillary Products
*Vinyl Playback
Hoping more may follow…
Good Work Naim
Progress…thanks for the heads up Ian! Looking at tuners it is easier on the eye than perhaps the wider range for NAC and NAP. Speakers currently in the old format - overall for single product perhaps easier, for total picture the new presentation is more complete…so just a +ve here!
Hopefully serial numbers will just be a straight listing - indeed copied from old site, brought up to date…we can but hope!
@sound-hound - It was accidental…
@Thegreatroberto caused me to check the NAP history, as part of the never-ending-fuse-hunt. Doing that, I saw the NAP diagram for the first time. I then doubled back to check on the others.
It ‘looks’ as if they will all go that way… maybe…
There is an error in the power amp one: the second NAP145 should be the V-175. Also, the NAP6-50 six channel amp seems to be missing.
You would think they would check it with the Oracle who is @Richard.Dane before publishing things like this. Perhaps they got fed up waiting for his “Life of Naim” biography to be written
The book which warrants a ‘show us your coffee table with Life of Naim on it’ topic.
Has the CD555PS DR been officially renamed the NAPS555-DR now?
I would guess it should be NA 555PS & NA 555PS DR. The NA CDPS seems to be the wrong way around too. There are a few other errors too, about which I’ll advise Naim.