Professional footballers - should their pay be cut?

It’s their job, doesn’t make it ethical or morally correct under capitalism or any other flawed system.

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Precisely. The same surely applies to the footballers. Why single them out?

“Scum of the Earth” doesn’t leave you many, less approving, options when labelling dictators, perpetrators of genocide and estate agents.

A little sense of proportion in your invective.


I entirely agree (see Roog’s post above). Only commenting on football as their ‘union’ has brought this into the limelight with their rhetoric. If it was an actors’ union, a group representing pointless celebrities or many other self-interest groups I may have commented on those instead, just so happens football took the initiative and started the wider debate.

This is more to do with the industry than individual footballers - as I mentioned earlier the title is rather unfair and I’ll accept reactive late last night.

…or perhaps a little less gin late last night…

mea culpa…

Please someone come up with a better title for the thread!

Interesting read for a Sunday morning.
A couple of thoughts:

  1. Many top players and their agents negotiate their packages net of if local tax and leave the clubs and their technical tax guru’s to dream up imaginative ways of minimising the overall tax burden, not just for the individual player but for the club/business as a whole; and
  2. Funding for top clubs comes mainly from a mix of independently wealthy owners, marketing rights and media.
  3. When any business looks to cut costs almost without fail it will go for the low hanging fruit , in this case lower paid support staff, and with the Chancellor’s furlough scheme, the decision makers will be able to sleep easy.
    From those thoughts, it seems a little disingenuous, if not plain selfish for the PFA to throw up what has to be an arbitrary figure and link this directly to NHS funding and secondly if we collectively feel so strongly we could always cancel our Sky/BT Sports subscriptions?
    Just my ten pence worth.
    Stay safe and well.

I’ve amended it for you.

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Yep, I can’t believe there are people admiring the virtue signalling, pitiful, grossly overpaid, Cat weasel, Lineker on over £2 million a year because he made a donation to the Red Cross.

Life was once far simpler…

Screen Shot 2020-04-05 at 09.52.16

Strange as it may seem to footie fans, I only recognise two of the names in this list, and have no idea what those two even look like.

Perhaps they don’t earn that much if the highest paid only gets around £15,000,000 per annum.

Yup, they got together and donated about one week wages for one player

Round of applause. I guess it was tax deductible.


I tried seraching for an image of ‘throwing coins to the poor’.

Ironically this was in the top ten ‘hits’:

I know it’s the DM and represents a very tiny minority of genuine fans, I was hoping to turn up an image from an old movie of some kind where the wealthy colonials tossed a few coins to the locals.

What on earth is the relevance of this point? I could draw a pretty good good likeness of each and give you a potted history of their careers to date. Does that change their worth?

Seems to me that this thread is a good opportunity for a few to come in and wave their “I don’t like football” credentials around.

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Now Pogba, there’s £290,000 a week that could so usefully be spent almost anywhere else.

No, I’m not a huge football fan, though like to see our national teams do well in major competitions. Not saying these players lack talent, they may be the current top tier exponents of their game, but I just don’t know the names. I could say the same for most celebrities and TV presenters these days.

Back to my remote island to live in my cave of ignorance. :wink:

You needed to add the possibility of drowning

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I was halfway through a long reply, but there’s no point.

If you hate football and footballers, fill your boots on this pointless thread.

If you understand football, follow the news in a bit more depth rather than diving in feet first to a ‘click bait headline’ and have an inkling of what’s actually happening, you’ll know that the media have found themselves a soft target despite the actual facts of the matter, and you won’t be taken in by people like Matt Hancock doing a bit of grandstanding to deflect attention from his handling of the current situation.


For me these idiots should all go to hoe the earth … Who wants to understand understand … The world of football my loved ones with the covid19 is over, both economically and from the point of view of the mink behind closed doors …

Um - did you mean for that reply to be addressed to my post? If so, I think it is misplaced.

Hi Beachcomber. It started off as a reply to this:

but I abandoned it. Seems the forum retains the reply context. But yes, it can apply to you; if you don’t get why the limited number of top players should be paid for their part in generating the huge incomes that football generates worldwide, you presumably don’t care for football and haven’t bothered to think through the way the wealth is generated by the football and broadcast industries.