PS for 272

I may well take you up on your kind offer at some point, though the thought of being persuaded of the merits of a Fraim and SL cables as well is a bit of a worry!

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Demo at dealer with same setup as mine except for my PMC 25/24 replaced by a pair of Kudos, which I didn’t like at all.

Anyway…for £4K, you have to be kidding me. The difference was minimal and with the Kudos not very flattering. Best upgrade was a SL interconnect at £1600.

I will borrow the unit for a home demo in a few weeks but won’t be rushing

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Hmmm difference was huge when I changed psu … one of the best upgrades out there…try it at home…

I bought the XPS2 off of eBay. In my setup that has made bugger-all difference. Naim said to give it a 2-week run in as the previous owner may have had it switched off for a while.

Hey @Richieroo
I did try a 555DR at home with my 272.
The difference was indeed huge.
The same Naim lovely crisp sonic signature, but much meatier, with a much more silent background, greater clarity, better separation of voices and instruments, more solidity of the musical image, etc.
I have bought it - my first Naim external PSU.
(I went straight to the end goal PSU to save wasting time, money and energy on intermediate steps).
Am super happy - many thanks to you and @Xanthe and @Darkebear and @frenchrooster all other members who have encouraged me to do this.
This commits me to Naim DACs and amps more or less in perpetuity - and, you know what, I’m happy with that.
Listening to Brad Mehldau’s LP ‘Mehliana: Taming the Dragon’ last night was literally amazing.


Enjoy the music Jim.

Best regards, BF

Make sure you have the Burndy connected the correct way round and also that it’s not too stressed anywhere along its length or at the connectors. Make sure you dont have either unit placed right on top of each other.

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you have made a big upgrade! congrats! make sure the burndys are well destressed, not touching the floor or each other. The 555dr away, if possible, from the 272.

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Good for you Jim hope the 272/555dr brings a smile everytime you press play as its does for me :slight_smile:

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Yes, the burndys are not touching the floor or any other cables.
I’m going to switch the 555dr and 272 on the shelves so they have a spare shelf between them.

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as UK people say, it’s a pain in your ass to connect them! ( i have the 555dr too).:hot_face:

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Nope!! That might be what an American would say…here we would say it’s a ‘pain in the arse’


i know someone in London ( uk born) who said of his daughter : she is a pain in your as. Maybe i didn’t heard well…

I think the 272 responds so well because both the dac and the pre amp are getting what they want…glad you are enjoying Jim!:sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:


Does it not bother the 272/555DR users that you are only using one of the 555’s burndy’s ? I use an NDS with an XPSDR, so I only use one input on the NDS…it sure bothers me,I have the dual burndy’s sitting in the NDS box, waiting anxiously to get a 555DR.


I was discussing this yesterday with my dealer, but in terms of the NDX2. I’m thinking XPS DR and he’s saying future proof with 555, even though you would only be using half of it. I’m not planning 555 series, he’s saying “he’s heard that before…”. Buy, yes, I think it would bother me, the 555 is hugely expensive for a maybe in the future…

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Well the NDX2 only has one power supply input also, to me, the NDS is still a better option with a 555DR.

Exactly. I struggle enough with the idea of a redundant power supply in the NDX2 with a XPS DR.

That also bothered me, even when I added my XPSDR to my old 272. That is why the elusive 372, with NO on-board power supply ticks all the right boxes for many…and TWO power supply inputs, for the 555DR.

It doesn’t bother me. Why would it? That would be weird.