Public emergency alerts!

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I won’t need to rely on a government message to warn of imminent danger. I’ll obviously be able to rely on the cat’s super sense.


I’ve lived with alerts for 20 years. Naysayers are, frankly daft.

Woke up this morning to this:

A few mins warning to evacuate due to inbound North Korean missile.

The idea people shouldn’t get these or be able to opt out shows, in the current global climate, a relationship to risk divorced from reality.


How are they going to evacuate people from Hokkaido.
I tuned into NHK world 30 minutes ago, advised people to go to a shelter, stay indoors or crouch down. Don’t panic.

Same reaction to previous NK missile launches. Politics at play here.

Fell into the ocean as usual. :grin:

I don’t think politics come into play. They launch a lot of missiles and usually the trajectory calculation results in no warning in nearly all cases. Only those that fly over land result in warning which is probably 1/20.

As to what we do here in Hokkaido, the warning says to shelter underground… basements in residential areas aren’t a thing. So if you live near a subway you go there. If you’re already at work, you might actually have a basement. If you’re at home in the suburbs, tough luck.

It might be easy to think, “oh tishtosh and poppycock. Britain jas none of those risks.” But that is magical thinking.


We’ve had these in Toronto for about 4 years now and it’s no big deal ever. It has only ever been used for missing/kidnapped/abducted people. Never anything else.
As far as it taking over your phone, I’ve never heard that come up. You just tap the screen and it goes away.
And if it was your child that was lost and you desperately needed the immediate assistance of your local community to help find him or her, you’d be extremely glad of it.
Now, if your country totally buggers up the network and uses it to alert you for sales at the local food mart then, yeah, it would be a PITA. Here’s hoping they check with some of the other working systems out there and use it for what it should be intended for.
Having said all that, some of you do sound a tad paranoid in your immediate dismissal of the system.

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Very much agreed. I have 3 friends who absolutely refuse to join Amazon for fears of the same. These guys are only 65yo and should really know better. Cheap telly, cheap music, good products for great prices … Delivered no less. They’re just paranoid, and/or not very careful with the way they interact with these online companies.

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Practicing for the Grand National?

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Well my wife’s phone alerted at 1500 as advertised (I have read since that actually it went off about 30 secs earlier than that). Mine didn’t because I had turned emergency notifications off.

Rather smugly I then turned the notifications on again so that I would in future get any real notification and about a minute later my phone sounded the emergency alarm.

We are both on the same cellular network, so there is more going on here than I am understanding currently!

Just shat myself when my phone went off!

Both of our IPhones went off at 14:59.

Mine worked a minute late 15.01 so out of my four minute warning one of mine was wasted “ could have made all the difference”. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Still waiting ……

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Nothing on my phone. Nor my wife’s. A little disappointing, really. So I guess there should be somewhere that we can report this? Else it isn’t much of a test.
I suppose we just have to accept that, in the event of a nuclear war, we’re history.

Data centres don’t have the capacity to send every mobile phone in the UK an emergency alert at the same time.

Not surprisingly. :grin:

A few people forgot to switch off their phones at the snooker. :grin:

If the coverage was live, one alert went off at 3.15.

I think it only works with 4G and above.
Mine worked and I didn’t have mobile network switched on.
Perhaps 3G and dumb phones don’t play.
Maybe off in the settings. :thinking:

IIRC, it only occurs on Android and iOS 'phones where the facility for alerts is installed (and settings ‘on’), so anyone with e.g. an old Nokia Windows 'phone or anything which pre-dates, won’t get it.

Is not just a general broadcast from the cell mast you are connected to rather than directed to individual phones much like a tv signal broadcast is not sent to your specific tv.

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