Qobuz and Naim App - where is Qobuz Ideal Discography

Thanks Roger
I collected most of my CDs during the 80s and 90s when my only source of recommendations was Gramophone and The Penguin guide.
Over that period I amassed some 1600 CDs.
How different it is today!
I’m an avid viewer of The Ultimate Classical Music Guide by Dave Hurwitz on YouTube.
His experience over so many years and his knowledge of the subject is incredible. He’s guided me to many outstanding recordings of music that I already have, but is far superior to the recommendations from Gramaphone etc.
And I can find most of the albums he recommends on Qobuz.
Overall I’m very happy with Qobuz and I’m working my way through the Classical Ideal Discography and adding those I want to a playlist.
I didn’t know Gramophone gave access to its huge archive - I’ll take a look.

Discover → Filter on Classical → Scroll down till you see The Taste of QobuzSee all: Qobuz Ideal Discography

NB I did this from the Qobuz app on my Mac.

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brilliant -many thanks

To your Roon point @ChrisSU, they (Roon) do provide “Taste of Qobuz” section which includes the essential discography list.

I’m wondering if this is provided via API to all third parties, in which case a Naim “feature request” might be possible, or was this granted to Roon only? :man_shrugging:t2:

However the OP question remains. How transform the Qobuz playlist and integrate it as your own playlist visible in the Naim app.
If I understood well, nobody has the response yet.

The Qobuz Ideal Discography is just a collection of albums that are generally highly regarded and are tagged as such.
So it’s just a subset of the entire Qobuz collection - in much the same way as the different Genres are like Rock - Country - Electronic etc etc
I’m just going through it adding albums I want to hear to a playlist, and I’m quite happy doing that.

If it were available as a playlist it would be very long indeed, and only being able to scroll through every single track (as you have to do with the Naim app) to find the one I want to listen to would be nigh impossible.

Yes, so you still have to add each one you like as your favourite. Not a big deal of course. But not straightforward.

Yes, and Roon also provide an ordered discography for most artists, as opposed to the shambles offered in the Naim app. Naim’s response in the past was that they were limited by the API available from Qobuz. Roon no doubt can offer improvements by using their own metadata, which may (or may not) explain how they show an artist’s discography correctly, but obviously it doesn’t explain gow they are able to show stuff like the “Taste of Qobuz.”

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Technically, it’s a list of albums in a section distinct from the “Playlists”, in the same way the section “Qobuzissime” is its own distinct section.

Roon have put these sections in their UI under “Taste of Qobuz”. I was merely wondering that if Roon have used standard Qobuz APIs for third parties then perhaps Naim could do the same and include those sections in their app. (And that’s the big “if”.)

As far as I can tell, there’s no way to achieve this in a simple way manually, using only the Qobuz and Naim apps, without resorting to your own custom playlist and adding each album to it. Which kind of defeats the purpose.

Or: Roon :slight_smile:

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Well, at Qobuz Club the message from the admin was very clear. They showed a YouTube video with a working version of Qobuz Connect in Bèta. Message: Qobuz is very ready for testing and urges everyone that wants Qobuz Connect to ask their supplier (in our case Naim) to contact Qobuz to work on this.


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