Qobuz connect

great to see qobuz connect is due out q1 2024 (currently in beta-testing). not sure if allowed to post the link but search granaphone live. heres hoping naim will be one of the early adopters

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Qubuz is probably the best library of records, and is the worst service in terms of technologies.

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granted many of the app changes are annoying (eg recent changes to bluetooth) but as a whole i find their app better than naim. i don’t know if some of the limitations in the naim app are due to limited access to qobuz data or that the naim app seems to have been designed around tidal and qobuz has to fit within that template?

I will live in hope I’d like to actually get the algorithm to make good suggestions in my personal play list but this is impossible while I’m always using the naim app rather than the qobuz one.

What did they change? I don’t use BT much but a few weeks ago thought Qobuz sounded awful from their app to an Amazon kitchen speaker compared to using BT from Apple Music on the same phone.

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