Qobuz integration with music on Uniti core

Through my nd5sx2 Tidal integrates with my music stored on my Uniti core. When I open an artist folder on the Naim app stored on the core all the albums by the same artist that are on Tidal appear below. I’m auditioning Qobuz however I notice it does not appear to offer the same integration. I have Qobuz enabled and can stream from the Naim app but when I go to the artist folder on the core nothing from Qobuz appears. I logged out of Tidal to see if only one subscription service can in integrated at a time but no luck. Am I missing something or is it that Qobuz doesn’t integrate with the music library like Tidal?

Don’t have a Core, but are you saying the Core allows you to sign-on to Tidal/Qobuz/Spotify on the Core and potentially serve streams to other devices? Well, for Tidal at least.

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It doesn’t do that no.


i think the integration is at the app level, nothing to do with the core.


Thanks @kwhitmarsh @Alley_Cat . Yes it’s at the app level that I am perplexed. In the app when I display artists stored on the core I see their music that’s on the core and below it all the music by the same artist on Tidal. I don’t see music by the same artist in Qobuz and was wondering if there was a way to see it. @davidhendon indicates that’s not possible (thanks David). Too bad as Qobuz does sound a little better on hi res (or maybe it’s confirmation bias) but the ability to see artists albums aggregated between what’s stored on the core and Tidal is excellent so I will stick with Tidal.

That’s not what I said! I was answering @Alley_Cat question about signing into streaming services with the Core - that is what is not possible.

I don’t have Tidal so don’t quite know what you are seeing there. But I do have a Core and Qobuz and Qobuz offerings and/or favourites don’t appear in the Core’s menu structure at all, which is totally fine by me by the way!

The nearest I have seen to that is that if you look in the Qobuz entry in the Naim app, searches include the Core and any local music as well as Qobuz and you can easily move between those categories in the search results. Maybe this is what you mean? Tidal may handle all of that differently and the difference between Tidal and Qobuz is probably down to their respective APIs rather than anything Naim is doing.

Can you provide a screen shot of what you mean with Tidal and I will try to equal that with Qobuz?


Thanks David. In the screenshot at the top are my locally stored albums on the core. At the bottom you will see the tidal icon and below that all the albums by the same artist are shown.

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Another form of integration that Melco has is the ability to download from Qobuz directly when you make a purchase. I had a discussion recently with Jason Gould from Naim on the Uniti Core and he agreed that it would be a nice feature…….it would be nice to see some more development on the Core?

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Where are you searching? Can you screenshot one level higher up?

@davidhendon I chose Art Blakey from the artists stored on my core. The first pic is the top part of my view showing albums I have ripped to the core. The second pic shows the the tidal icon and the albums that are on Tidal.

It doesn’t work like that with Qobuz. I’m still not entirely certain where you are searching. If I search for an artist in the Core or in Servers/Core in my Nova for instance, the results are just what is in the Core.

If I search in Qobuz in the Nova page of my Naim app, this is what I get. This is searching for Philip Glass.

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I think I see the confusion now. When I do a search all the sources of music appear. So if I search Art Blakey I will get a similar screen to yours that shows all the available albums locally on the core as well as in tidal and Qobuz. What I’m trying to achieve isn’t related to searching but rather when I open an artist from the core all of the content from the artist on tidal also appears. I find it helpful to check out different albums from the same artist or see when something new appears.

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Ok I understand now. As I said before, I don’t get any Qobuz entries at all when I open an artist folder in the Core. So presumably Naim and Qobuz haven’t agreed on a way to do that.

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It appears so. Too bad as it’s a convenient part of the tidal integration.

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