Qobuz offer!

If anyone’s interested, there’s a 2 months for £1 offer on Qobus till 3rd January……



This prompted me to have a look. I’ve downloaded from Qobuz previously so have an account and was offered one month free. First impressions are that it is not as well organised as Tidal but perhaps that is just a lack of familiarity. Playing through a Mu-so 2 I can’t hear any difference in sound.

Hey Richard,

A Very Happy New Year to you.

On both my Atom HE and NC 222/300/250, Qobuz definitely sounds ‘higher resolution’ than Tidal (basic), but I can’t really compare content/structure/etc. yet not having had enough experience with either really. Qobuz certainly sounds as good as locally streamed flacs from my Zenith Mk III……. but then again, king’s new clothes and all that.

I don’t plan to subscribe to multiple streaming services as they probably all have to content I would want, certainly enough for it not to make a worthwhile difference.

Anyway, I have a couple of months to listen and make a decision.


Hi Osiris, HNY to you.

I’ve just played a favourite track (Jim White’s Static on the Radio), via Unitiserve cd rip, Qobuz and Tidal. The first was clearly superior and I couldn’t detect any significant differences between the other two. So I expect to cancel Qobuz at the end of the month.

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