Qobuz on older streamers

You can select only Flac 16/44, not more, so will not encounter drop outs. And it won’t change a lot for you, as you don’t hear differences vs MP3.

I can play FLAC 192kHz but only lowish bitrate streams, Jazz etc. Neil Young “Barn” won’t play at all 5k+ kHz.

On this basis I think you may be right that the buffer is overloaded :slightly_smiling_face:

The SQ is OKish (PRaT badly missing) better than I remembered but not a patch on BubbleUPnP or Roon both of which sound the same. Maybe it’s down to the ND being fed FLAC instead of WAV or maybe its the proxying nature of BubbleUPnP and Roon essentially sending local data to the ND.

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The dropouts are not a serious issue as I have only found 3 albums streaming above 4372 kbps. It is not really limiting what I can listen to. My bigger concern is the lack of Qobuz quality v Spotify. I have raised a case with Qobuz.

You are right Barn runs for 14 seconds at 5335 kbps!

It’s been discussed at length in this thread where you also participated :wink:

I am not using MConnect, but from what I gathered, there may be different modes and there may be differences between iOS and Android versions

I don’t know the reason but suspect buffer overrun. I have the same issue with my NDS. However I don’t think I can play as high bitrate as you without dropouts. Thought I had them when the bitrate was approx 2500

Yep, this one is having drop outs.

When watching the buffer on the NDS it rapidly empties as the song plays on, then drop out and it refills, then empties and so on.

This is the wireless speed. The NDS is wired.

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I get maybe 3 seconds!

I finally got around to setting up an old Apple TV with optical out to my Uniti2, so I can stream Quobuz from an iOS device. This is the garage that now serves as a games room and laundry.

The Uniti2 has a wired ethernet connection from a wi-fi extender with an ethernet output. This gets around the flaky wi-fi in the Uniti2 to access my Uniti2 Core. The ATV is running wireless and seems rock solid for Airplay.

I’m playing with the options for which setup looks the best. This was the first:

Then this:

But I think I prefer this:


That’s the nicest, cleanest garage I’ve ever seen!

Nice setup too - I love our Apple TV, they’re pretty flexible things.


I am using the old Apple TV into my NDS in order to listen to play again on BBC Sounds.


Qobuz responded by saying I should contact MConnect as the problem
must be with their app. I now await their reply……

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