Qobuz year subscription or hold out for Spotify hifi

Really, stuff some nice old 8-bit music in 24-bit words and call it hi-res :slight_smile:

Good analogy.

I did. And also Soundiiz to combine any/everything.

And I’ve found albums in hi-res on Qobuz not in hi-res on Tidal…I’m sure the opposite is also true…

Also some on Qobuz and not on Spotify. Plenty more the other way around though. Not comparing hi-res here though.

To make use of 192 you need ears, amps and speakers linear to 100kHz. Higher sampling rates gives you wider bandwidth. Nothing more.

What no-one tells you is that no DAC on the market will do better than 20-21 bits. It is a shame manufacturers keep this going. So more bits give lower noise down to the limits of analog electronics - about 120dB. Nowhere near the 144dB 24-bit would give you.

Neither gives you higher resolution as you may think of it. But some equipment may sound better with a higher bitrate, some with a lower bitrate. And if you like it - go for it.


Thanks. I like to understand what I think I’m hearing. I’m not above being fooled by my own expectations. I’d like to buy more ‘hi res’ stuff as it comes out on new music, but I don’t want to pay out for a benefit that’s only in my mind. I could get 2 cd’s worth of music for the price of a hi res at the mo.

I used NJ as my reference as its something I like and have listend to probably too may times.

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