Question: Active or Passive

Hi all,

A question - we have 552DR and Supercap/SNAXO with 2 x 250-2 (non DR) into SL2. Would a 500DR be an upgrade or sideways move?

Thank you!

Nap 500 is special really fantastic with Nac 552,so yes an upgrade. “Compared with the NAP 135, the '500 is claimed to have **five times greater open-loop gain, a quarter of the distortion and a dynamic noise floor that is 100 times reduced”

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I personally preferred a 500 dr rather than 3 x 300 dr into Kudos 808. But both are good, you need to listen yourself.


Thank you - about 20 years ago I tried an original 500 in my system with a 52, replacing the 135s into SBLs, I thought the 500 was like a major preamp upgrade at the time.

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Great ! And the difference between a Nac 52 and a 552 into a Nap 500 is massive and even more important,timing and everything ,just sounds so right.

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I think you will find some keen active users who prefer that setup over the 500 passive. I know that at stages in my system development I have tried active v passive and prefer the former, especially at lower volumes in my smaller room. However for full disclosure; I have tried a 250 vs 2 x 140 and a 300 vs 2 x 250 in the past but never a 500. I’m not sure if Igel has done the back to back looking at his current system?

Only a demo can settle it of course.

Note my system is very similar from preamp onwards.


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I have tested, been at 500 level, had to downgrade…
Having had many active system including Nap 135´s,250´s,Nap160´s,Nap140´s,Nap 120´s,Nap110´s,Nap100´s and I have also preferred active vs passive until the Nap 500…


Thanks Igel for clarifying. People quite often post without clarifying if theirs is direct experience or just a viewpoint.


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Thanks for sharing, my plan is to borrow a 500 for myself and do the comparison in my system.

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