R Paradise ko in Italy

attention attention: all Paradise radios in Italy do not hear this morning. Also from Naim Choise no audio on all the various Paradise …

Hi Andrea,

This is a radio paradise issue, their servers are not working. So from:
no streams available - try https://new.radioparadise.com

One for Bill @ Radio Paradise to give it a quick restart.



I use ND5xs2, not the PC

You appear to misunderstand, the RP server for iRadio is down, it’s down in UK as well
If you only want to use ND5 & iRadio, then you need to wait until RP (Bill) fixes it.

:+1:OK thanks

I have now selected FOLK ALLEY but the title does not scroll when changing tracks. That always remains. :thinking:

Should be sorted now according to Bill @RP

No. In Italy NO

All RP services are now OK in UK

RP is all good here in the states as of this morning. RP FLAC stream, that is.

:+1:OK now

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