RCA-BNC or RCA-RCA from Innuos PULSE to NDS

Have been browsing the forum, but could not find many answers.

I recently added PULSE transport to my NDS and I am very happy both with the sound from the combo and the functionality of Sense App. The DAC in NDS/PS555DR is superb for SQ and the Sense App in PULSE is providing a highly satisfying level of interaction with my system. Finally landed in 21 century. :slight_smile:

Would like to assure the best digital connection from PULSE with AES/EBU, COAXIAL RCA, OPTICAL, USB outputs to NDS with COAXIAL RCA, COAXIAL BNC, OPTICAL inputs. I am aware I need a cable without any adaptors to preserve 75ohm parameter.

Knowing that BNC is preferable, would RCA-BNC connection be better vs RCA-RCA? Yes, no or no difference?

Not looking for sound improvement - it is already there :slight_smile: … More for piece of mind…
Currently using basic Chord RCA-RCA. Not-basic Chord cable would be more expensive than… PULSE. Considering Naim DC1 (I was very happy with BNC-BNC version in my previous system) or Mark Grant HDX1.

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I connect the zen mk3 to the nds with ethernet. Fwiw, Sounds just fine.
Perhaps worth a try.

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Thanks Petersfi. I keep it as an option. Another option is to omit PULSE and play NDS alone, as before. Great to have options. :slight_smile:

Have you compared Nds vs Pulse/ Nds for local streaming, maybe?

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But then you can’t use Sense……

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These are still my early days with the Pulse. Very first impressions are very positive. I had no SQ expectations other than neutrality and so far nothing makes me want to switch back… Perhaps there is a bit more detail and better imaging vs before. Low volume level presentation seems to be gaining with a more distinct bas. I will make a critical comparison once I have digital cable that is not a limiting factor. It will be interesting to see what a better digital cable can change… In functionality, the speed of response from Sense is exemplary and that is a big gain.


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