Recommended next step after an unexpected £4k windfall

This is from a Naim distributor, now’t wrong with ebay. Due diligence and all that.


Caveat emptor!


Bought and sold quite a few hifi pieces on the bay. As well as other marketplaces.

Never had a bad experience. (Not yet anyway).
On the whole, sellers are open, honest, polite and keen to help, in order to sell.

Best advice - as always - with higher value items, is to ask the seller lots of questions. Also request additional close up photos. Maybe even go and visit to check out the item. But, the final guarantee ( from the bay itself ) is if you’ve not got what your think you bought, you can return it and request a refund.

edit : p.s. lots of Naim dealers sell on the bay too. :wink:

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Each to their own. I’d far rather go to a dealer.


All very valid points but for me personally I like a warranty especially from a dealer but having researched the bay I did notice as pointed out that there are quite a few dealers selling on there.
My local dealer has in fact got an ex dem 250dr for sale but his price is scary high and it’s not that new, when I enquired he did point out it could be registered for the full 5 year Naim warranty but I’m pretty sure that isn’t strictly true, I thought ex dem units only came with a 2 year warranty but I maybe wrong about that.

Me too
Always try to get what I need from a dealer.

However, there are occasions when options elsewhere become a viable alternative. For example, if were looking for a late vintage Prefik K and Olive SuperCap. Just as an example…

With patience, 2ndhandhifi or Tom Tom or Acoustica or Emporiumhifi, or who ever, might eventually have something like that. But maybe not.

Top tip, often dealers will list an item on the bay, also their website too, if you go look. You then have a choice.

Best wishes


Graham for the not so well educated could you explain your comment

Latin for “buyer beware”. It forms the basis for much of the law concerning the sale of goods and services. There are some statutory protections, in the various Sales of Goods Acts legislation, but it’s a tough old world out there!

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Also legislation associated with distance selling and consumer rights…
Buying online, consumers actually have a lot of protection these days.

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For ‘expensive’ items (meaning say over £1000, for me), I would rather buy from a dealer, such as TomTom or @Cymbiosis . There are others… :slightly_smiling_face:

Both have been Problem Free for me, over multiple pre-loved items - or most of my system, now.


I would consider making it a two rack system , I rather like HiFi racks and have dedicated Harbeth stands plus my AV rack is from them.

Or would an NDX2 be of interest? Trading in your other digital equipment ?


Absolutely not the case that you can extend the warranty on ex demo, at least that was what I was told last time I bought ex dem

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I have bought my 52, NDS and 135s on ebay, half my Fraim and all my powerlines, CDS2 and XPS2 on ebay. Have sold loads of Naim stuff on ebay. Never had any problems whatsoever with buying and selling Naim kit. It sells easily and Naim kit is generally built like a tank. I have bought 4 Naim CD players on ebay as well. Never had a problem.

Have also gone direct to dealer on the phone who advertises on ebay and have got lower prices than advertised.

It’s a strong buyers market and be prepared to haggle on the phone and get a better deal than on ebay as sellers fees are very high.

If it was me and you have a 282 I would be tempted to max out and get a 300DR as opposed to a 250DR. I would get an XPS2 instead of XPSDR to start with as well. Then later down the line get a 555PS for the nDac.

The 300DR maybe all the power amp you ever need.

I found the 250CB lacking oomph and was happier with 2 x 135s.

A 250DR is a fine amp, the 300DR much better and works very well with 282.


Dear Silverback,

I love the bulldog in your avatar pic. I have no experience with any of the separates, though if I could add a reply from a tech point of view.

I think you are doing well with the separates you have. After using Google, I have discovered that your speakers have a minimum impedance of 3.4 ohms and an efficiency of 86 dB SPL. There is also a mention that the impedance can drop to 1.5 ohms at 91 Hz. The efficiency is not excellent, though that does not mean that they are not great sounding speakers, as I am envious of their frequency response.

Going by the above specifications on Google, you are well set up with separates for these low impedances and not using integrated amps such as SN3.

My speakers are not nearly as expensive as yours and have a minimum impedance of 3.9 ohms and an efficiency of 84 dB SPL. An XS2 integrated amplifier happily drives these, and knowing what I know now and doing the maths, I should have purchased an SN2 at the time for the greater headroom. I add this for the 8-ohm power capacity of the amplifier to try and do an apples vs apples point of view. 70 watts vs 70 watts, 80 watts vs 80 watts.

In your case, separates are the go for the low impedance of 1.5 ohms.

Now, the question is of a 250DR or 300DR. My only reservation for purchasing a 300 DR is the electric fan that keeps the heat down for the extra 10 watts per channel that the 300DR can deliver—having worked with motors in industrial applications. Motors that run 24 hours a day only last five years due to the bearings wearing out. I can be corrected here as I think the fan in the 300 DR is thematically controlled and does not run continuously. Therefore, it should possibly last for a very long time, yet it can attract dust and shorten its life. In my case, this would be salt living so close to the Australian coast.

The 250 DR appeals to me for its lack of moving parts.

Unfortunately, my web browser will not let me access the specifications and upgrade power supply paths from the NAIM website—something about a banded website path.

My money would be on a demo NAP 250 DR or, if you can afford it, a new NAP 300 DR. Having said this, I always like to purchase new products. This might appear as reverse logic. However, I feel you would be safe to purchase an amplifier with no moving parts as a demo unit and one with moving parts as a new one.

I can not even access the NAIM home page. For some reason, I will have to look into my browser settings.

Concerning external power supplies. I can not generalise. I would need to know their current ratings. Again, no access to the NAIM webpage.

I hope this helps.

Happy listening.

Mitch in Oz.


Back again, after turning off my VPN, I can now access the Naim Website. I have a VPN for my paranoia and do not know about internet hackers enough. I do not go where I should not. Even if I did, I would not know how to get where I should not.

I must admit I am confused with power supply inputs to other devices. The NAP 300 DR looks like a completely different kettle of fish altogether. In that, it has its own dedicated power supply.

As far as I can ascertain, the NAP 250 DR has a balanced input, though I do not see any balanced-out-puts on the NAC 282. However, looking at the connection diagrams. It appears one has to choose between two HICAPS or a Powercap. A one-box solution would look aesthetically approving to the eyes and would require one less power cable to run, plus the possibility of reducing earth loops. I think it comes down to whether your wallet can afford a Super Cap or two Hicaps.

The supercap will allow you to upgrade to a NAC 252 down the track. However, you have mentioned staying with your 282. I can see on paper nothing wrong with that decision. There is only so much money to go around.

In conclusion, I would respect others’ comments here, please.

Option 1: 282 + NAPSC + HICAP + HICAP + NAP 250 DR

Option 2: 282 + NAPSC + Supercap + NAP 250 DR. Possibly overkill, though does allow for a 252 upgrade. Though again a nice one-box solution.

I like the idea of one less power cable, minimising earth connections, and one less box. I feel your wallet will dictate which way you go.

I have my own dilemma as I wish to complete the math headroom equation to purchase an SN2 or SN3. Though my dear wife says, I already have an amplifier. It is a mental battle that I ruminate on, possibly unnecessarily.

Warm regards,

Mitch in Oz.


Having a second look at your system, the decision is whether to purchase a second HICAP over the cost of a Supercap.

Tough one. I would if I had the money to splurge on a Supercap and worry about the expense later and enjoy what I own or will own.

It is a good dilemma to have.

I hope I have been helpful.

  1. We have sorted which amplifier. NAC 250 DR.
  2. Power supplies still one for input from other members of this forum.

Warm regards,

Mitch in Oz.


Hi Mitch, sadly Poppy the bulldog is no longer with us but appreciate your comment.
Thanks for going to so much trouble and effort, very detailed explanations covering the power amp.
I have always known that my speakers really needed a better power amp, when they were in my av system a Bryston amp powered them and just before I sold it I tried it in place of the 200dr, the sound signature is different from the Naim sound but you could tell the Bryston had total control of the speakers, bass was very tight, deep just really well handled and thou could comfortably play the system loud with no lose of grip or hardening of the sound but I always wanted to build a fully Naim system so the Bryston was sold.
So moving on I would love to go with a 300dr and leave it at that but I think the 250dr is probably the best option at the moment, cheaper, no extra shelf space required and I really would like to have enough funds to possibly add a power supply to the ndac.
I had thought to add another hicap into the system as well but not sure how much of a benefit that would bring opinions on that seem mixed some save it’s a benefit others not so much and a supercapdr is probably a waste if your not going to a 252 in the future.
Many thanks again for all your advice hopefully things will work out fine.


Morning Dan hope you are doing okay and have had a great Christmas.
I have followed your posts as your system has evolved, still think you have toooo many boxes though :wink:
I would love be be able to do the same but space, funds and the good lady would quickly put pay to that.
Ideally I would love a 252,Supercapdr and a 300dr and probably an xpsdr as well just to balance everything out but realistically funds will never allow that, what I didn’t want to do really is start to mix different series of Naim equipment, I know it works for some people but not for me, different boxes would push my ocd into overdrive, so sticking with the classic for me.
Looking at your speakers, I don’t know how difficult a load they are to drive but power amp wise I’m guessing you are happy with what you are using at the moment, they look like they could be power hungry but that may not be the case.
Thanks for your response, all the best for 2024👍


I have alot of boxes and there is no compromise on that as I am single with 4 kids who don’t live here permanently!

I think my system will end up being 552, 500 and all OC boxes at some point. I have had an 82, Olive HiCaps and a CB250 in the past. It used to be all in cabinets so you couldn’t see any of it.

Personally I don’t mind the mix of boxes.

The speakers would be fine with a 250DR. I had different speakers previously when I got the 135s. They would be better with a 300DR or 500 or maybe NC250 or NC350s.

Anyway, that’s me and the system sounds fantastic.

A 250DR will be a big uplift on the 200DR. Maybe stick with that as used prices are reasonable. If you get an XPSDR it should make a big difference to your source. And then you will be done for some time.

I used an 82 for about 5 years (similar to 282) and it’s a great preamp. I did see a 252 sell for £1750 the other day. But then you’ll need minimum of Supercap 2 with it.

Have a plan and work towards what you want.

There may be steps in between and some buying and selling of equipment. I just sold my Cirkus bearing and Graham Slee phono stage. They got snapped up immediately.

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Hiya Dan totally understand what you are saying and you do have a lovely system.
I’m sure the 250dr will work out fine, would have loved to go 300dr but we have to have something to aspire to.
As you say adding the xpsdr should bring an improvement just want to try and keep it balanced as I move forward.
Doing well at the moment, had dedicated mains put in recently and added the ndac, system is starting to sound like what I have in my mind, thinking the 250dr should bring another layer of fun, happy days👍.

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