Recommended next step after an unexpected £4k windfall

After receiving unexpected compensation for a financial failure a little guidance/opinion on my next step would be very helpful.

I had planned to add a 250dr in place of my 200dr working on the assumption my PMC’s would benefit as would the whole system but now I’m wondering if adding a xpsdr to the ndac or removing the hicapdr and replacing with a supercapdr maybe a better option.

Just to add I do not intend to move to a 252 but I do wonder if a 300dr maybe a better choice.

If I had not received my windfall the plan was to sell my 200dr and go for a 250dr s/h to keep the cost down but I possibly have other options now.

Your thoughts would be helpful and much appreciated, thanks in advance.


A 250 is a great amp and would suit well. When my old (serviced) 250 went to Tasmania, it was only because I got a 300DR to go with the 52 (quite like a 252). It is a great combo.

Before leaving, I tried that 300DR with my 82 (like a 282) and thought it an unbalanced pairing. I would therefore suggest a 250. Spend the rest on source.


During my recent spate of upgrades I very temporarily had a 300DR with a 282 and I thought very good particularly at lower problems. Of course we all hear things differently.


For 4k you might sneak a 250DR AND a PSU for that wonderful nDAC!

That would make a very nice balanced system.


It’s worth hearing an option or two if you can - as @LindsayM says, we all hear things a bit differently.

Of course, if you got a serviced olive 250 and an older XPS (serviced but not necessarily DR), you could also consider the many worthwhile LP12 upgrades. As Zappa observed, the torture never stops…


I have been researching costs of s/h power amps and power supplies and since the arrival of the 200&300 nc series prices of oc items have been impacted which is a bonus for me and may mean that I could do a 250dr and the xps dr for pretty much my budget if I factor in the value of selling my 200dr, now I feel I’m being greedy.


Used non dr555 ps on the DAC.


I am with @NickofWimbledon - see if you can get a good, used 250 and an XPS.

DR if you can - but you might find more for less by going non-DR… :expressionless:


Personally 250dr, ignore the non dr. 2k ish on the pre owned market.

Better phono stage? With some of the spare cash.

or 300 DR 3.5 to 4k on the pre owned market. I don’t know your speakers or room but for me the 300dr was a big improvement with my original Speakers, Spendor A5 and the Kans when tested.

I can’t see a second hicap or supercap giving you that same uplift.

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That would go some way towards a decent S/H LP12, or is that of no interest?

Hi Graham already a lucky owner of an LP12 we’ll sort of, I was asked to bring it back from a very neglected state(there is a thread on it somewhere of before/after) but it’s on long time loan now and I can’t see the original owner wanting it back anytime soon which is a bonus for me.

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As we stand at the moment, managed to get an extra shelf in to accommodate the new to me ndac.
Height is pretty much at maximum so could probably squeeze one more shelf in with careful adjustment of leg height between the shelves.
So realistically a 250dr will probably be my choice, then probably a power supply for the ndac.
If I opt for the 300dr I will really struggle to get anything else in the rack.
Decisions, decisions, tricky keeping the balance without upsetting things too much especially my good lady.


As you already have the HiCap to power the 282, I’d go for the 250 DR first and if you are able , an XPS DR. The 250 DR is a great power amp. I’ve used it very happily with the 552 DR and ND555.

I’m not alone in having used it very successfully alongside 500 series components where it has certainly not been totally outclassed. Yes, the 300 and 500 are obviously better, but I’d quite happily have lived with a 250DR.

I think it would be a substantial upgrade on the 200 and would enable other upgrades to be done in the future if desired.


I know someone here, who drives a Bentley, who will confirm what you say. :grinning:

Indeed. Our esteemed leader! :+1:

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My initial thoughts were to go for the 250dr and reading the general advice from members this seems like a logical move.
Later I could look to add a power supply for the ndac, think we have a plan just need to decide the best way to go about it.
Ideally I would prefer to purchase from a dealer mainly for peace of mind and hopefully some warranty, thanks for everyone’s input it’s very much appreciated and always good when others underpin your thoughts👍.

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There is a very recent ex dem 250dr on the auction site right now.


I’d be wary of buying something as valuable as a Naim power amp from Fleabay.

I would, however, thoroughly recommend James Allney at TomTom Audio, who has four or five NAP250DRs for sale.


I’ve sold lots of Naim on eBay and no buyer has ever been disappointed. Lots of dealers sell on eBay too.


Just remember to wear lots of shark-repellant!

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