Record surface noise and speakers - Rega RS3s and Spendor A7s

See post 19.

So that’s a “no” then and may well be the problem.

I understood he cleaned them ( 2000 lps) with a Degritter. Not that ?

Has anyone suggested trying a different cartridge yet?

It’s not a wash and vacuum type from what I can see. You can’t vibrate grease off, you need detergent and a vacuum to remove the dirt.
The LP appears to sit in its own dirty water.

You can clean before with a vacuum for very dirty lps. But it’s not absolutely necessary.
The Degritter, like the Humminguru I use, is an ultra sonic machine. The lps are in distilled water with a surfacant, while the ultrasonic is cleaning.
It’s the most efficient cleaning machine on the market. If you read the reviews or experiences from people here.

As I said you can’t remove grease with an ultrasonic record cleaner. If it was just dust on the record it would blow off but the dirt is held onto the record with grease (from the air, fingers, breathing etc) hence why you need detergent and to vacuum it off after cleaning.

Sitting records in a bath of water with dirt in it is not a good idea. If you sit in a bathtub yourself you are washing your face with the same water as you have your arse. :roll_eyes:

Apparently we disagree on that.
@JosquinDesPrez uses a Degritter. He will maybe persuade you.

Most of my records were previous cleaned on an Okki Nokki. A couple of years ago I bought a Degritter and ran everything through that. The Degritter is far better, not even close, on cleaning records. I also have a Furutech for good measure.

I am still mystified by my experience vs others…it’s hard to imagine no crackle and pops generally, even pre A7s. I have them on both my LP12 and my P6…more a question of how they present.

I’ve had 4 different cartridges on this LP12, and crackle and pop was there on all, though to varying degrees (the 2m Black was not great with them).

Maybe I’m just very sensitive.

The crackles and pops must come from the vinyl.

When I had A7s on the end of a LP12 (Akurate spec) 52/Supercap/250 apart from obvious vinyl faults creating a click/pop virtually everything was silent.

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Try to bring some lps at your dealer place. If you hear the same annoying cracks and pops, then for sure your lps are not in good condition. Specially if you have a Degritter.

Particularly with LP12s, I bet that not every dealer has a well set up example, in which case their LP12 could be enhancing surface noise.

A Lingo 4/Karousel/Krystal spec should have negligible surface noise. An LP12 isn’t that hard to set up correctly so any Linn dealer is likely to be fine.

Personal opinion here: I think that an LP12 is not easy to set up to give its very best.

In what way is it difficult? It is possible to make a hash if anything but a trained dealer should have no difficulty.

I hope you’re not insinuating that there is only one place in the UK that knows how to set up a Sondek.

It can be any turntable for this test. I remember how my dealer had set up the Lyra Delos. I had to learn and correct it myself after, as it was badly adjusted. And it was on a Rega P10.
Hopefully he wasn’t selling SME arms.

In my days of vinyl listening, I found that all, or at least virtually all, LPs had some surface noise upon purchase new, with maybe 1 in 4 LPs having excessive surface noise leading to return , when swapping would often get a better copy but sometimes it took several swaps. Received wisdom since suggests that the problem may have been due to mould release agent, which could be cured by appropriate wet cleaning. Otherwise over time noise increased. Whether that was due to wear or ingrained dust I cannot say, but I wiped the records before every play with a velvet pad slightly moistened with pure IPA (in much later years a carbon fibre brush), and used a “dustbug”, and by mid-late 70s used an antistatic gun, so doing all I could to kerp dust at bay (I didn’t hear of cleaning machines until much later). Given that in the early days many albums would have clocked up 100 plays within a few months, many 100s in a couple of decades, and even later albums when I had a bigger collection would have clocked up 100s of plays before too long, wear might have been a significant factor.

I agree you cannot clean wear away. And the OP IIRC only buys used which may bring your supposition into play (pun intended).

That said I’ve bought some used LPs that were minging with a very matte finish on the surface of the record but were scratch free, it took two to three cleans on the Project and the result was like a new LP. And these mucky records only cost me a couple of quid. :slightly_smiling_face:

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If only (perhaps that is) I had a record washer when I had vinyl.

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I am making no such insinuation, I do not believe this to be the case anyway…and I have said absolutely nothing that can be interpreted as making any such insinuation. End