Record surface noise and speakers - Rega RS3s and Spendor A7s

Apologies. Are you able to provide some explanation about being able to “enhance” the surface noise?

Accepted…minimising surface noise by excellence in design, engineering and set up, I cannot really explain why this should be the case, but it’s certainly my impression. All very subjective!

Take some drink, a good Guinnless beer. Jtlewis will not stop easily. :joy:

I haven’t tried a de-gritter, but I have tried the Disco Antistat, the Loricraft PR6i and Keith Monks Prodigy and can confirm that the latter two make a massive difference to surface noise, to a degree that shocked me given how careful I have always been with my records… (Hunt EDA, careful handling, Disco Antistat, poly-lined inners, not squashing them into their storage)

Running a £10k+ turntable and owning a record collection of around 1500 discs (Lets say £45000) means that spending say a grand or two on a record cleaning machine makes perfect sense…

It sounds a lot of money until you think of it like that.



:joy: A nice Merlot or Shiraz would be nice.

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It would be an Earl Grey for me as I do not drink. :coffee::blush:


Milk or lemon?

Just a splash of milk. :slightly_smiling_face:

I like Earl Grey, but only weak and with no milk (nor lemon). Milk in English Breakfast tea of course! (But just a little, and preferably skimmed).

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I’m in the splash of milk camp too :slight_smile:

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BTW, just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts on this thread - I learned a lot.

Also - me, I’m a Keemun w/2% milk guy.

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