Rega P10 cabling, RCA connectors

A few months ago I purchased a new Rega P10. The cables and RCA connectors seem to be identical to those on a new P3, and not the upgraded cable and locking connectors.

Has anyone here recently (past few months) received a P10? What are the cables/connectors on yours?

Thank you,



No input on the RCA’s, but that’s a solid table. :+1:

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I think Rega changed their cabling with the move from the Couple 2 (which when fitted to the turntables had the locking connectors) to the slimmer, black Couple 3. My newish P6 has the black phono cable which is indentical to the Couple 3 cables I use in the same system.

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My P10 (about 6 months old) has the non-locking RCAs (which I prefer to the locking ones).

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My P8 is now just over one year and has the locking connectors which are always a bit of a hassle …


OK, good! So they did make a change. I don’t mind the non-locking, but there is more than a whiff of cost cutting going on here on their former top of the line table. I wonder what connecters the Naia has.

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Not sure it’s just about cost cutting, if at all. In my experience the locking connectors could be prone to causing a bit of hum if not perfectly tightened and I don’t think there’s actually any real sonic benefits from using locking connectors. In any event I much prefer the simpler non-locking ones.

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Fair enough, but the locking connectors are more expensive. And were sold as an improvement for the upper level tables.

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