Rega p3 or p6 choice

I am brand new to this forum (any forum actually) and intend to add a turntable to my system. I have read lots of reviews and have narrowed my choice down to the Rega p3 50th anniversary edition or the Rega p6 (with Exact cartridge). I have read the threads here about those turntables but note the one most on point was from a user with an Atom. I have an SN3.
I appreciate that the 50th anniversary edition of the p3 has narrowed the gap with the p6 but would ask for your views on:
Whether the gap remains large; and
Whether the 50th anniversary p3 would be a good match for the rest of my system; or
Whether the rest of my system demands a better turntable like the p6
I would be grateful for all your views.
Thank you

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Hi Stu and welcome.
My first question is a somewhat obvious one, do you have a Naim dealer nearby that also is a Rega dealer.
It is a common statement here, but the only way to be sure is to test both and see/hear what works for you (in your own listening space if possible).
Both TT’s get plenty of praise and the P3/50 has had a fair amount of that.
Good luck with your demoing😉

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are you using the phono stage in the SN3 or going external?

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Internal. I understand it’s a good MM stage.


I do and I have booked a demo of both for Friday. I just wanted to pick your brains before I went

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How large a collection of records do you have?
If very few, I would start with the cheaper deck. The records will cost more than the turntable, particularly if buying new.


I have none at all at the moment. I last bought records in the 80s and they were stored at my parents house. I say were because they gave them all away without consulting me!!! You make a very good point about the price of vinyl. It is likely to take me years to acquire a decent collection and the £500 saved would help me start.

I’ve owned both and P6 is superior without a doubt.


+1 for the P6 & Exact option, (or better), to partner with a SN3.

Good luck with your journey

Kind regards


I’m in the same space - want to replace my Pro-Ject with a Rega (I don’t like the floating weight thing with the fishing line on the PJ). I’m pretty sure I’ll go P3/P350/P6. Will be waiting on the report, so please let us know how the listening session goes!!

BTW, I think there’s something cool about a Nait 50 and P3 50…but that’s another conversation :grinning:

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Agreed :+1:

As you have no records, I’d think long and hard before getting a turntable. I did what you are thinking of, starting with a Planar 1, moving to a 6, then 8 and finally 10. Acquiring the records cost an arm and a leg, but it kept me occupied during lockdowns. If you buy second hand you need a cleaning machine. Some of the records I bought I had already, but was buying them because they were on vinyl. Doubtless you are less silly than me. If you want a TT that sounds as good as your excellent ND5XS2, I’d be looking at the 6 and probably the 8.


Go for an Linn LP12,much better and suits a Naim system.

Here we go perpetuating the myth that an LP12 is much better. What level of LP12? Rega’s like many others work superbly with Naim.


It’s not an myth to me,Rega can’t do bass properly,I rather take an AR or Dual with suspension.

What is your motivation for getting a turntable? You’ve obviously owned one before, and I’m certainly not going to tell you it’s wrong to want another one……but do the maths! An RP6/Exact, a few accessories to get it set up properly, and a modest collection of a few hundred LPs at a modest £10 to £20 each would very easily cost enough to fund an upgrade of your ND5 to an NDX2, probably with enough left over to get an XPS for it or have a nice holiday, or even both.

If you read this and think, yeah, but I just really want a turntable, go for it. I haven’t heard the RP3 50th Anniversary, but if it was between the regular RP3 and the RP6 I’d say your current system really deserves an RP6.

Okay. @Stu63 use your own ears.


That’s always the best way :+1:

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Thank you all. I’ll let you know how the demo goes.