Rega p3 or p6 choice

I upgraded my P3 to a P6 a couple of years ago. Definitely a step up, and that was from a highly modified P3. Like you, I want to utilise the MM stage on my SN3, so have fitted an Ortofon 2M Black LVB.
I’m very happy with the set up, sounds very good and keeps box and cable count down.
I guess it’s personal, I have always loved the Ortofon sound and never been too sure about Rega pick-ups.
Goes back to a VMS20 on my first Rega back in 78


It is all about what makes YOU happy, isn’t it? Right now it is about a year that I’ve picked up my Rega P8 and I’m still in love with it … yes; vinyl is expensive, yes; new recordings do not always sounds nice, sometimes very poor; yes; it takes an awful lot of money to build-up an expansive collection, yes a P8 and a Uniti Nova might not be a match made in heaven …

But wow, what do I love these moments when all the good things come together, especially when the days are getting shorter … the tactile experience of touching and playing a record … the feeling of ‘owning’ a physical music medium … and it can sound bloody marvelous too!


Exactly. Well said :+1:
Someone just injected a bit of emotion and passion into this thread.
Music is always about an emotional connection.

It is - always - all about the music…


Vinyl can be extremely expensive (if you collect must have albums/buy audiophile pressings). But it doesn’t have to be. If you enjoy digging in racks at S/H record stores & record fairs and buy things you like/fancy trying there’s still lots to be had for a fiver or so. The same on eBay. The searching is as much a part of the fun as the playing for me. Must have music can still be bought on CD or streamed leaving vinyl for the thrill of the chase/bargain hunting. Price doesn’t need to kill the fun. On the contrary. Funnily enough my sister in law was at a record fair in Stoke Newington yesterday and had a chat with Gilles Peterson who was buying stuff for a fiver a go to play on his show. 7 albums at a fiver or one Tone Poet at £35? You can soon build a decent supply of enjoyable vinyl. Time being the limiting factor rather than cost.


Went to one of my favourite places for s/h vinyl today and picked up 3 for £30.
2 Yes and a Supertramp. On inspection all looked in good Nick, if a little on the worn side for a couple of the sleeves, but you don’t listen to the sleeve😉


Nice story @QuickSticks
And if you have any doubts, just to let you know that Tony and Graham can clean vinyl, (for a small fee).

Tony cleaned one of my original Yes albums - Relayer - the result was staggering.
I was happy to play it. Crackles, pops, et al.
After cleaning, it was “clean as a whistle”, like new. Honestly, with zero surface noise.



No problems @ratrat, I have a VCS and will clean them before playing :blush:

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Given the solid digital front end…I feel like the P6 would be the minimum, otherwise it will disappoint. Even stretching from there is maybe a good idea.

For me at the lower end, you get better music with digital. It’s at the higher levels that vinyl starts to open up.

That doesn’t take into account the vinyl fun factor (if indeed that is fun for you, for many it is not).


That was basically the same feedback I received from different dealers when I was in the market for a turntable …

My general advise would typically be to buy the best model you can afford, this may end up being cheaper in the long run as it may prevent a number of upgrades. When I first got into vinyl I went RP-40 (same idea, a “hot rodded” RP3), numerous people said to start slow & just experience that “vinyl magic”. What I ended up with was a source that was inferior to my digital front, with media that cost a whole lot more (not to mention the issues with quality control). This lead to a number of upgrades before the vinyl & digital fronts got to a similar level. With the way digital has improved, in general a vinyl front end will run you a bit more vs digital for the same quality, so keep this in mind. No experience with P3 or P6 but can say the RP6 was a significant step up from my RP-40. Though I swapped from the RP6 after not too long as I still found it lacked details & was leaner in the bottom end then I prefer (this is also with a Hana ML cartridge that bettered the Exact2).

I’ve a modified 1980’s Rega Planar 3 with the new motor and Neo power supply and an Exact cart. So close to the anniversary edition, which looks like great value. My dealer says the 6 wouldn’t be much of an improvement over my mo’d 3. I think I’d tend to go to the 6 in your situation, thought the anniversary 3 is hard to beat for value.


I’d want to hear that for myself to be certain, as you may be surprised. The RP-40 I first owned, basically takes an RP3 & adds much of what made the RP6 better, such as TT-PSU, better feet & better belt. I then added an aftermarket subplatter that was better then what came with the RP6 stock. I initially swapped from the RP-40 to the RP6 because I wanted the gloss white finish. Because of the 40 having most of the best parts of the RP6 & me adding the even better quality subplatter on the RP-40, I thought if anything the RP-6 will sound the same, if not possibly worse, till I upgrade the subplatter on it. To my surprise, even with the aftermarket subplatter on the RP-40, the stock RP6 easily bettered it (both using same Exact2 cartridge).


Yes, indeed. In my situation my dealers comments were more about going to at least the 8 for a big leap in performance, or the 10 for more again. But I’m running a 555/552/300 for context.

Thank you all for the comments, views and advice, especially the ones suggesting caution. I don’t expect the same audio experience as CD or streaming (Qobuz) and ill go to the demo with an open mind and ears.

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Just a slightly different opinion to the notes of caution about diving into vinyl. I don’t disagree with the points made so far, but I would say it doesn’t have to be painful or expensive

Depending on the music you like it’s pretty possible to pick up used records, for not too much money, and as long as you check their general condition before you buy, a quick clean can bring them up very nicely.

I bought three used LPs at the weekend, for £20. They look used, one’s older than I am (it’s from '71, I’m from '74) the others from early 80s. They’ve cleaned up fine and are all very listenable. Most of the heavy cleaning was done on a manual machine. It’s also fun leisurely browsing through second hand records. And also interesting reading the notes on inner sleeves from past owners about who bought them that particular LP as a gift, when and why

I hardly ever compare the same release on my streaming setup with my vinyl or CD player. I use each depending on my mood. It is definitely a different experience.

As others also said, good luck deciding. Go for the P6 though :wink:


Did a comparison between P1, P2 (both with carbon mm), P3 and P6 (both with Exact) through my system. I liked the P1/P2 with carbon mm best. More fun, more drive, more clear, great sound. Bought the cheapie P1 and still sounds great with the Naim SU, rega fono mm and Neat motive sx2. Not at all lacking SQ compared with streaming or playings cd’s with CD5.


That’s a nice system you have @RLI !

Good grief…you must be wondering where all this opposing doctrine comes from, including a mention of red flags (which in one of my professions is the equivalent of a dire warning).
Some of us here prefer vinyl, some prefer digital. Some people seem to think that thier opinions or choices are correct to the exclusion of all others!
You make your choices, it’s great that your wife is interested. Mine is too and this is a real benefit in the long journey.
You enjoy your music, by whatever format you decide upon.


Here, Here!
My wife is also an enjoyer of vinyl. So much so, that I built her her own system with her own vintage LP12. It also has an ND5 XS2, so she has the best of both worlds.
Analogue, Digital… it’s all music and that’s what this is all about after all :wink:


Good for you! I generally end up preferring the most expensive option :wink:

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