Removing unwanted server from app

Hi all

I have two servers displaying on the UPnP server page on the app, one I want and one I don’t, any ideas on how to get rid of the unwanted server?

Servers are - Asset UPnP which is required and Home Theatre which is not


Don’t think there is a way to turn off or only display select servers from the Naim App that I’m aware……Best bet will be to turn off at the source, i.e stop the UPnP service running on the particular device providing it across your network……

Hope that helps,

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Tried to figure out turning off at source, but it’s a Denon AV amp with more buttons and switches than you can shake a stick at!

Guess it’s time to look at the manual for it……

If it’s the same as my denon ‘2700, there doesn’t appear to be an option to disable the media server.

Thanks for info, that’s what I was fearing.

Disable is the only way to go on - have done so with the media server from my router

However, it’s not possible to disable the upnp server in a denon av amp; at least that’s true of mine, I’ve been through all the options.

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