Renewing vows to my Star

Did you try plugging the drive into a PC. Perhaps you can run a scan disk on it to check it’s integrity.

Do you have Windows or Mac?

yes, I’ve just run it through my Mac. It was unrecognised, so I’ve run the Disc utility and repaired the drive. It’s now clean but I had to remove the files I’d ripped onto it. So I now have an empty 2TB HDD!
I’ll try ripping again using the SSD card which hopefully will be more reliable.
Thanks everyone for the help and advice.

You had a backup, right?

Be careful with SSDs. I’ve had two fail on me in the past and unlike a regular drive, where you usually get some kind of warning sign of imminent failure and can often recover at least something, when an SSD fails, it’s usually sudden, and that’s it.

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They’ve become a lot more reliable. Been running two for a year and two and a half respectively without a hitch.

What’s reported here should not be happening.

If you could repair it, it sounds like the drive is fine.

I am secretly wondering if 2TB is giving the Star trouble. Elsewhere I read that there is a limit on the amount of albums you can store in the database.

If the smaller drive keeps working and the other wine keeps with with the computer I’d almost think it’s a firmware issue.

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Thanks. I’ll see how I get on with the 256GB SSD and probably keep the HDD for the kids Xbox!

It’s a total guess. Just based on addressing the actual locations on a larger drive takes larger numbers.

On the other hand it could be a once off thing and if you used it again it could be fine.

Did the Star lose power unexpectedly when accessing the drive?

Not that I recall. I’d ripped a batch of CD’s no problem, came back the following day to do some more and it wouldn’t recognise the drive. Tried the classic turning it off (at the mains) and back on again, and using a different USB port but no joy. It could well be that 2TB was bit of overkill size-wise!

My back up are the CD’s!

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I read elsewhere that the Star can index max 20 000 songs. If you take that the size of uncompressed wav is about 10MB per minute I guess we can average about 50 MB per song. That comes to a Terabyte if storage.

So it would seem that a 2 TB device will be overkill for CD rips anyways on the device.

The limit is no doubt to keep the searches of songs in the app performant.

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I have a Synology NAS DS-214play it’s about 5 years old. Two, 2tb WD Red drives. About 6 months ago I had one Drive begin to fail. Swapped in a new one and all is fine. Raid 1, automatically copied all info to new drive. Easy Peaszy… and of course I have everything backed up to an external USB drive.

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