Return of experience

Hello Everyone,

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I would like to share my experience with naim gears, which I trully believe are the best sounding devices I got, and fabulous matching with my B&W spearkes so far.
My first purchase has been a NAP150 which works flawlessly and is incredible. I still use it on a office room as a second system.
I then thought about purchasing a Supernait3 and bought a used one. Unfortunatelly, the av bypass was not working and I could return it. So I bought a brand new one, which had a defect (no sound!). I got an exchange and so far so good. However something happened with my speakers and I lost my tweeters, which since I replaced (costly diamond tweeters).
Last purchase is a HiCap DR, which stopped working after one month. The shop will replace it nicely.
I still believe the sound is incredible and I remain loyal to Naim, however I have this feeling something is tricky with the electronics and I am a bit worried.

I did everything to protect my gears, I have a dedicated powerline from the supply, I have hifi powerbars, good power cables (furutech), may be you have some suggestion to me, or may be this is bad luck only.

One think I can add btw, the improvement I got with my HiCapDR is incredible, specially with my Rega P3 phono, this is a bless, so I count the hours when I can get a replacement.

Totally, a few weeks ago I got a good deal on an almost new HiCap DR and it turned what was very good HiFi into something truly special, I finally understood what the Naim rave was all about. I haven’t had any reliability issues with Naim gear though, l suspect you’ve simply had bad luck.

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Yes, agree, HiCapDR is a must have
Now that it is gone, I have difficulties listening to my hifi (ND5XS2, rotel rcd991, rega P3)

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Interesting. Doesn’t bode well for the New Classic gear…

How so? I’m not sure I’m understanding the OP’s point.

what means “OP”?

Original Poster.

Neither have I - and that’s over 40 years now (1982). Very few problems.

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I’m sorry you have had problems with your Naim electronics. To answer your question - I think you have been unlucky. A few other people have had problems and have posted about them here but they do seem to be in a minority. The other thing is that Naim support is usually very good and you should get your problems solved. I doubt there is any connection with the failure of your tweeters, but did you get an opinion from the dealer or manufacturer on why they failed?

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This is the reason for my post to know if I am isolated having those issues,
No one undertstood about the tweeters, this is when I switched from my nap150 to the malfunctioning used supernait3 I got. Anyway I got them replaced and it works now.
This is the accumulation of encountered issues (2 non functioning supernait gears, one used and one brand new out of the box, and now the Hicap dr that stops working after less than a month).
I can see lot of systems here that look incredible, I am happy with the sound quality, it seems I have been very unlucky.

Unfortunately it does seem that way. My now 4 year old continuously being used NDX 2/XPS DR/HCDR/SN3 components have all been completely fault free.

do you ever switch off the hcdr or sn3? I do not, only in case of stormy weather

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Yup. Same here. If i switch my XPS DR on/off too many times the internal fuse blows so i just keep all of the gear on 24/7 now.


Well, the OP (sorry) is lamenting the quality and reliability of recent Naim purchases. The most recent products are the NCs

Your logic seems a little flawed considering the OP’s purchases are all OC gear.

I echo the comments of others that I’ve had a pretty good reliability record with Naim kit for 25 years, olive, OC, and now NC.

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