Something, perhaps blindingly obvious, has just occured to me. Due to the quirky shape and size of room. My system is split on 2 racks either side of a plastered brick pillar. The Quadraspire rack to the right of pic that holds most components including the offending ringing ones, necessarily has had to be positioned quite snugly near the back wall and side pillar to the left of the rack. The speakers fire down the room from the right to left of the pic, nearest speaker being about 9ft away.
I am wondering if the space in which the rack is situated has some acoustic reflection/echo which is bouncing off the back wall and side pillar to the left, both contributing to and amplifying the ringing casework.
Might need to try acoustically deadening the back wall and pillar behind and to the side of the rack.
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My money would be on the room acoustics. It takes a fair bit of energy to make the case ring e.g. a sharp rap with fingernails
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Doesnt take much to make my 90’s ring even just a gentle tap with your fingernail. The full size Olive and later components, the casework is more solid.
The acoustic environment may be contributing exaggerating as my post above, but its still acoustic energy whether direct or reflected causing the ringing.
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