RIP John Byrne

Raising a large Ouzo to the polymath and magnificent soul that was John Byrne.



The often overworked expression “Genius” really did apply in his case.

There’ll be some new murals appearing Upstairs shortly.

R.I.P. John.

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Totally agree. His retrospective at Kelvingrove was an astonishing collection, and testament to this. I was so moved I nearly cried.

RIP John.



When someone you admire and whom you’ve met and spent some time with dies, it can be terribly moving. I know little of his work, and must find out more. There is a nice little summary here.


Last night I watched the first episode of Tutti Frutti on BBC Iplayer.

Emma Thompson does a very convincing Glasgow accent.

Available for another three weeks.

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Very sad news. John Byrne has been an inspiration ever since I cut out a black and white Radio Times pencil drawing of a dinosaur skeleton playing an electric guitar that he did for their radio pages. I thought this little drawing was absolutely wonderful! Such wit and invention clearly evident despite the small print repro size. I eventually found out more about his work later in HE, and always kept a few postcard repros dotted on the wall of my studios over the years. Probably more widely known for the plays and TV work, but for me he was just a fabulously skilled illustrative painter.

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Breathtaking skill. I bought a mezzotint last year.


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