Ripping cd’s on a rainy Saturday morning…

Good morning all (Quebec time)

You guys had me. I still have a box with over 150 cds left…never thought i would rip them. Coffee time in my small home studio :nerd_face:


Good luck with that :scream:
Lovely hot sunny morning here in Scotland. :icecream:
Great Larry Carlton album I see in there. :face_with_monocle: :+1:t2:


You mean 20 minutes of slight brightness and 17C ?


Good choice! The process is a bit annoying but totally worth the effort. Just be careful about the format you choose. I had to rip my collection twice as I wasn’t fully satisfied with FLACs, I much preferred WAVs.


You’re just lucky you don’t do classical. I ripped the Otto Klemperer 95 disc box set last week. Still haven’t had the chance to re-tag everything (and I mean every track).


Of course, it wasn’t as bad as the 143 disc Artur Rubinstein box. Or the two Karajan EMI boxes totaling 160 discs.


I am all flac! Thanks! Just listened to those Dorian classical rip flac and they sound perfect!


Ouch….a lot of work. I use Tag Editor, by Amvidia. Its very good, user friendly app.


Nothing wrong with FLACs as long as you are ok with them (don’t get me wrong, they sound great too). I thought I enjoyed FLACs, then a while ago @Mike_S pointed out that WAVs sound better, more refinied and organic. I decided to test that and unluckily I had to agree with him. Music felt more alive and cohesive to my ears. Not a night and day difference, but enough to make me change my mind about the format. I suppose it also depends a lot on the system and speakers you have.


I have over a 1000 flac and dsd albums….haha. Wont go back! Flac is the format i rip and buy all my albums, and dsd if available. Really satisfied with it. I can here the difference between flac 24-192 and dsd 64 easily. But with wave and flac…dont remembre if it bothered me.


I can’t blame you, don’t you dare to test the differences between the two formats ahah.


Ha Ha
Usually only two seasons here June and Winter.
It’s Scorchio here and has been all week I’m sitting in the living room shade just now and it’s. :icecream:


I use my Swiss Army Audio Tool - JRiver.

Can’t you just use a transcoder app to convert from FLAC to WAV? Or store FLAC on the NAS and transcode to WAV on the fly?

You are right, some NAS can do that, but I don’t have a NAS. I use JRiver on a computer and if I remember correctly transcoded FLACs didn’t sound just as good. So that’s why I ripped my collection twice (luckily I didn’t have to rip 1000 CDs).


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As far as Naim streamers go, a widely shared view on the forum was that WAV sounded somewhat better than FLAC on the old streaming platform, but the difference disappeared on the new one. My own experience supported that assessment, with both MinimServer and Asset. And transcoding from FLAC on the fly was indistinguishable from playing the WAV file directly on both platforms.



You didn’t need to rip anything again just convert the FLACs to WAV. :persevere:

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Yeah ffmpeg can convert audio FLAC to WAV at the speed of a couple of seconds per track!


I like your description of an improvement rather than night and day. Night and day statements make me switch off straight away.


Surely if ripping to the space saving FLAC, converting to WAV just gives a different version of the FLAC?

The WAV contains all the data, the FLAC less so but enough to sound ‘the same’. Converting to WAV will only mean the same SQ taking up more space.

Obviously I stand to be corrected.

I ripped all my 300 + CDs to FLAC, not sure I made the right decision especially now that Roon is available for meta data (main reason I ripped to FLAC was better meta data).

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