Roksan Darius

Hi ! I’m thinking of buying a pair of Roksan Darius,would be interesting to know how close to wall they will work ?

You don’t see many of those around. Interesting stand design too which I think, IIRC, you could also get for the giant killer Wharfedale Diamonds at the time. Possibly by the Cornflake shop.

I’ll be interested how you get on :sunglasses:

Interesting,I have also heard that those stand were made for Linn Kans.
What I have read about them : very live dynamic ,with depth and completely free of the boxes…

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And don’t take any prisoners. Good luck :crossed_fingers:

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Sounds good,I´m after something Flat earth extreme :blush:

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Kan Stands :thinking:


I’ll have to have a look through my Hi-Fi Critic collection. I remember an interview with Touraj Moghaddam which mentioned the original Darius coming to fruition as a very revealing speaker used during the Xerxes TT development. I’ll see if I can dig it out.


Those are the proper Kan stands but as @Igel mentions, a London dealer, The Cornfkake shop, produced some exoskeleton type stands (as they did for the Mk1 Wharfedale Diamonds) which followed the Darius stand arrangement, spikes top and bottom, with the Kan held rigid in a box of welded tubing. Not pretty, but supposedly very effective !


That would be very kind.I have met Touraj, very nice and proficient ,He is .I have also taken some pictures for him of his Vertere Turntables, in my studio.


Touraj is a very nice guy, but also a genius. But most it’s his sheer enthusiasm that comes over. By a long convoluted chain of events he ended up in my house installing the Vertere PSU on my TT, we spent 3 hours listening to Jeff Beck and John Coltrane.


School day not knowing about third party.
I’d never seen stands like that. :+1:t2:


I will have a look at the weekend and see what i can find :+1:

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Sorry Igel - I’ve had a look through my Critics and I can’t find the references to the Darius development and it’s bugging me where i read this now. I’ll find it !

Edit - Just found it on PFM. Google ‘Roksan Darius Pink Fish’ and you’ll find the Roksan Darius thread.


Thank you :pray:

In my experience they work reasonably well close to a wall, being infinite baffle, better further away of course.

They should be toed-in to make around a 90-degree angle at the listener; I think that’s the standard advice.

So part-way down a long, wide room should work well.

Apparently the later stands work as well as the original cage stands.

I’ve an early pair and am looking for later crossovers - did you get these ones?


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Thanks !
I have now got the Darius,it turned out to be the later model with the low stands and MK IV crossovers.
And fantastic they sound,so musical with a fast and groovy articulate bass and the spring mounted tweeter sounds amazing.
I have only tried them about 50 cm out in the room standing in front of my DBL´s,so far



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