Roon 1.6 Build 401 - beware Qobuz users

Apparently they’ve disabled showing Purchases suggesting you ‘favourite’ them instead.

Seems a real step backwards to me.

If you’ve purchased wouldn’t they be in your library instead?

That’s why I think they’ve done it, but I don’t have all my purchases online on the LAN at all times - I want the ability to be able to stream prior purchases from Qobuz which is how I’ve been doing things until now.

They could have at least given us the option I feel.

Won’t be upgrading yet.

Plus I may want to specifically look at Qobuz purchases not all Library content from several sources.

They will eventually sort it out. The method they had was causing all sorts of confusion for users as they would be in their library twice as one under Qobuz purchases and then the files direct from their music store but the two can’t be linked as the offline files have no means to reference back. So rightly they have decided to remove the feature for now until they can get something better. If you’ve bought them they are likely to be already in your local music store.

I’m sure they will sort it out, but not everyone wants to necessarily have all their Purchases in their Library, I haven’t downloaded all Qobuz stuff and their downloaded material’s metadata can be iffy - I’ve not seen much of an issue with Roon when streaming purchases (after all teh Qobuz app allow this).

Making them Favourites is a pretty pointless suggestion for me - I use Favourites to ‘park’ items I might want to buy or listen to again, or already perhaps have on CD and are unavailable in HD.

I think this reflects what I said in another thread that we all use our systems differently - I don’t like features being removed if I use them, and would prefer to see better configuration options. I might have a look later, but I’d imagine metadata for most downloads will have something to indicate where it came from so it shouldn’t be impossible to streamline things by examining this. The user could be asked if they want both or just streaming/local copies.

Well that’s just typical.

I had to restart my Mac tonight and on reopening Roon it’s only applied the update automatically without asking me.

I am very very pissed off with this.

You need to turn off updates in the settings manually to stop auto updates.

I looked for that and couldn’t find it - absolutely bloody typical. I needed to reboot due to a system wide issue.

It’s bit late but go to settings, click on about which is top right. Then click on the cogs for your core, remote and any Roon bridges you might be running and choose the update policy for each. It’s not in the easiest place to find but it’s all documented in the KB .

Thanks - utterly unintuitive isn’t it.

There’s a thread with a couple of replies currently suggesting they add Purchases back to the My Qobuz view but leave them out of Library which would suit me down to the ground.

I think it shows I’ve been playing mostly Qobuz via Roon since they integrated it, and access to Favourites and Purchases (in a way I used to do with Audirvana) to play stuff gapless was exactly what I wanted.

I have several Qobuz purchases which are very large compilations which could take ages to download and I haven’t necessarily done so or sorted them yet, so the ability to simply stream these in hi-res rather than CD quality was a boon.

So just checking what happens now, and here’s the real problem, if I search for a hi-res purchase in Qobuz and try to play it, I only get CD quality:

Don’t know why I didn’t think to do it earlier but I just reverted the Mac’s Roon app from a Time Machine copy to the ealier one showing Qobuz Purchases - have never actually used the Time Mahine feature in the past to restore a single app, but for once am glad I bought a Time Capsule before they were abandoned as my manual system backups have become more sporadic.

Of course I guess this version could be broken by something in the future but I’m very happy to get the functionality back for now.

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