Roon 1.8


Agree, pretty funny really, seems to have come up with a recommendation based on Musicals or Musical Theatre while playing Frozen 2 soundtrack:

It’ll calm down in a week or so… dismissing any post with ‘1.8’ in the title cuts it down to an almost manageable level!

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I just don’t see the point of these initials in circles we see everywhere these days to be honest:

JM means nothing really could me Jim Morrison, no idea who Jeff Marx is.

Sara Wordsworth? SW to me maybe Stevie Wonder, Steven Wilson etc.

Potentially better than a blank image just wasteful of space I suppose.

Opposite for me it’s finally populated with music I do like.

You can put a ban on explicit content, not sure that will work on that though if it hasn’t any.

Standard practice, the forum does the same. Not sure what else you do other than leave them blank.

Complete pictures would be better, but if a picture is missing I prefer it to the previous gray blob. I always think the most highly-rated album or something would be even better if the artist pic is missing, but then I didn’t try it and don’t know for sure if it would work well

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True it’s all gone a bit hysterical, music thread is where it’s a much better atmosphere. Get a lot of good recommendedations from there, much more than here as I have a few more kindred spirits.


It’s a shame so many good albums these days have quite explicit lyrics so in itself that probably won’t help.

Is there a setting for explicit artwork? There are some album covers that really could be deemed offensive in the modern era.

Not an issue unique to Roon, all manner of streaming platforms seem to show explicit or frightening horror type artwork for movies or TV Shows by default - you may be able to restrict kids watching the content based on age without a PIN but it would be better if you could not see the atwork in the first play. I digress.

Yes, quite, it’s just something I don’t like - did Apple start this or someone else I wonder? As with those 3 horizontal line thingies that appeared a few years ago for menus and are now used everywhere someone must have started it and others followed on. I would assume someone has actually patented it.

I have a few days off so am trying to explore the new Roon a bit more than I’ve been able to in the working week, just bemused with certain things at present!

I think the problem is that “explicit” or “offensive” is necessarily ill-defined. To me there is a difference between


And the first, IMO harmless, one would be found by a simple dictionary search, and the second would not despite being highly problematic

Not a bad idea at all.

Apple infuriate by replacing familiar artwork with things you don’t like, band promo shots or simply incorrect for the region of release.

Yes both covers are explicit in different ways, the second is quite unpleasant.

That appeared somewhere the other day while browsing, maybe in Qobuz, and I wished it hadn’t.

I’m no prude, believe me, I just think it’s so easy for age innapropriate stuff to inadvertently pop up in so many places these days.

I have a few LPs with covers which the kids might find unpleasant I try not to leave lying around.

You would hope that content makers might be able to embed metadata into their artwork to indicate if the artwork is explicit/offensive.

I fear for any that come across album covers from Sarah Mary Chadwick!!

Well, the first Big Black EP had pictures of open brain surgery on the cover - so graphic it came in a paper sleeve. Rare at the time to find, now I’m sure it’s hugely collectible.

Charlesphoto, and AnyR,

If you don’t mind, I will probably come back to you to get some advice about how to change to these much more agreeable background colours when I finally go ahead with my upgrade.

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I may have set something inadvertently but am uncertain why when I select albums some tracks are ticked, others aren’t?

Screen Shot 2021-02-13 at 13.44.36

Some of the features are a bit unintuitive, may need to RTFM if there is one.

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Yeah also harmless and just nude art, but some people will be offended, just like some people are offended by naked kids on a public beach. That’s the problem, there is no one definition for offensive. It is easier to define “explicit” but the problem only moves on to some explicitness being fine in wider listening scenarios and others not so

That’s “picks” and was always there. With the big tick button above the track list you can decide to only show picks.