Roon and Atom natively

Hello! I try to use Roon with a Uniti Atom and only see 2 options: (1) Chromecast, (2) Airplay. Atom has the latest firmware. Is there a native Roon support (I am interested in Atom and NDX2), and if yes, how do I enable it? Thank you!

As long as the Roon Core and your Atom is on the same network you should see it in the list of devices in Roon.

The Atom is Roon Ready so it should just show up.


In order to see the Atom as a native Roon endpoint you need to ensure that it is enabled in Roon settings. While you’re there you can disable the Airplay and Chromecast options if you don’t use them.

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Yup in Settings/Audio - enable the Atom as an endpoint and you’ll be all good.


Thank you. Resolved. Seems like the VPN was interfering

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Aaarggh I should have mentioned this. Ran into this a lot back when I had Roon. But I forgot!

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