Roon server Windows 10 or Windows 11

I could not see this answer on the Roon forum, and the people here tend to be more helpful. Thank you guys!
My father died a couple of weeks ago; I am surprised he lasted so long! I have inherited an Asus J4105 PC that I built for him just over a year ago. I am unsure of the SSD size and the RAM size.
However, do people think it is better to use Windows 10 or Windows 11 as the OS for the Roon Server?
I cannot use the Rock software since Rock does not appear to support USB DACS, which I use for DSD output from the Roon server.

Sorry for your loss.

But rock does support usb output it’s how mine is set up.

My rock nuc is connected to a Naim dac v1 by usb, so it does work; no setup required, just activate the output in audio settings in roon.

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