Roon vs Audivarna set up on NDS - life in the old dog yet!

Have you compared Audirvana to the Naim app for SQ?

Yes. Audirvana is much much better in all the usual SQ ways. It’s like a black box upgrade.

Thanks Brendan

I’ve heard that before from several members.

Is it completely reliable and stable and easy to use?

I can vouch for this too, sounds better than the naim app

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Stable - yes.

Reliable - one outage in 10 years last month on account of a Microsoft -wide business cloud account verification problem. lasted 6 hrs. I don’t expect that to be repeated. A couple of months ago some errors cropped up between the app and the Mac software. Latest Mac OS update seems to have resolved this (I believe it was caused by OS rather than Audirvana). Any issues seem to be resolved by the occasional restart of the Mac side (probably once every 3-4 months)

Ease of use - Mac, windows and Linux versions. iOS and Android apps. works best on an iPad with the software running on a Mac mini headless (use screen share to make changes/updates). Has a user forum and the developer is very responsive to any issues. Integrates Qobuz and Tidal with local libraries. Highly configurable (but basic settings work well)


I was a fairly happy Audirvana user for a few years, and it definitely lifts SQ vs. native NDS streaming. Recently acquired a used Innuos Zen 3 to replace the Mac + Audirvana, and this was another clear step up (an actual black box upgrade…)

Additional cost, true, but since I’m saving on the Audirvana subscription, I calculate the Innuos should pay for itself in a couple of decades :grinning:

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