Roon with original NDX

On linux at least, you can right click in file explorer and select “open in terminal” which gets you into that directory.
Otherwise you need a “cd” command, cd = change directory
If you can detemine the full path, then it would be something like:
cd /home/andrew/my\ files/upnpbridge/bin

pwd command would show you your current directory so you know where you are starting. You can also do cd by cd into each folder, so:
cd home
cd andrew
cd “my files”
cd upnpbridge

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On my MacMini I usually have to go into preferences and security to allow me to download files before I can install the squeeze files. I use the forklift app to move files around from my download folder to applications. I then highlight the relevant file, squeeze2upnp-OSX-multi-static in my case, and under the file tab request to open the file in terminal. I also use forklift to edit the config.xml file.

The one thing I’ve not managed to do is to edit a startup script so that squeeze2upnp to run once my MacMini has rebooted after a software update.

Thank you…the right click worked & opened in the right bin.

However when I ran this, I got an error loading config file

I think that given by terminal knowledge, I am going to have to settle for either a hardware solution that comes packaged, or bite the bullet, get my NDX screen replaced (usual fade to death problem) & PX for a NDX2.

Again, thanks to all, and a great example of how helpful & knowledgeable all on this forum are…

Hmmm it doesnt like the config file, rereading the instructions it seems this command creates the config.xml file which you then edit afterwards. If it is there, rename it to something else and the rerun that “sudo” command.
If that runs ok, edit the new config.xml file and make two changes:

Quoted from post above

Before using you need to edit the config.xml file, use a text editor like Notepad. You need to change the following lines


Change the 0 in the default file to a 1. If you don’t do this then your device will appear in Roon but will not play.


This will set the correct maximum sample rate for your NDX.

Now start the program again without any command switches, i.e.


I think you may have a permissions issue that is stopping the Config.xml file from being created.

I set this up on a Raspberry Pi to try the bridge once and made some notes.

I had to do a

sudo chmod 755 squeeze2upnp-armv6hf-static

You would need to change squeeze2upnp-armv6hf-static to the name of the program you run.

I also changed ownership of the directory, in my case to the user called pi

sudo chown pi UPnPBridge
sudo chown :pi UPnPBridge

Given that the Mac runs Unix I wouldn’t be surprised if you need to do similar. I’m not a Unix/Linux expert but somebody else may chime in here and assist, @simon.pepper maybe?

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There are also additional parameters on the executable to force it to use a certain Config file in a specific directory.

./squeeze2upnp-armv6hf-static -i config.xml

See Roonifying my systems - #22 by Jack

Have you checked the iFi upnp Bridge?

I’d post a link to the YouTube video of it but I’m not sure if that’s breaking forum rules or not, so just google it. I know some members have got it working by this method.

Simon & trickydicky…thank you for your patience. I seem to be getting the hang a bit more of UNIX style terminal!

I can right click on the folder to now get myself in the right directory. I have also noted that one version of the download I had (which I have now deleted and cannot find) had an executable file for OSX in the bin that if double clicked, processed in terminal. However I got the same error loading config file. I note your comments, but again, this is for arm (RaspberryPI) and is the same xml action as OSX…so still stuck

Weekend Warrior…I was very excited…found the YouTube link, but unfortunately only for Windows & my Roon core is on my iMac…but it looks a great solution for windows users.

Just checked on my Roon, and something must have worked…I now have this…

How do I identify which is my NDX please?

Check the config.xml file that was generated. Here’s one i found:

Yours i think must have “raopbridge” 6 times, one of these will be the ndx.
You can disable the ones you dont need via the xml, change value of “enabled” to 0.
You need to know the mac address of your ndx, check in the naim app, in settings then “about”.
You can then correct in the xml file so it says ndx instead of raopbridge.

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@Meaculpa any success?

Hi Robert,

No, not really. I managed to get two of the devices RaoP Bridge devices to play Spotify (my Marantz AV amp & My Sonos AMP) but they would still not play WAV’s from the NAS, and could net identify which Bridge was the NDX anyway.

So I have given up on Roon. I did like the interface, and the fact that toy could have all your inputs & outputs controlled from one interface, but given that I use mainly my Naim App & Sonos, I can still control all my sources (NAS, Tidal & Spotify for example) from these two.

So I think Roon is a good product, but not sure the value given the cost v the convenience, but I understand this is a personal choice & many are very happy with it. When you factor in I have legacy UpNp devices (NDX) I do not se the value at the current time.

So, thnak you all to those that have contributed, and helped me with my UNIX/Terminal learning as well. I still however appreciate the GUI advantages!

Many thanks,


Only just seen this thread. Had the same problem with NDX and wanted to stream Qobuz which proved problematic especially with hi-res. I tried Roon and borrowed a stand alone core from my local dealer. It solved the problem and gave me a significant sound improvement using the Raspberry pi with hifiberry hat on my main system and chromecast audio in a second room. Extra advantages are that you no longer need a NAS as the Roon sends the music round the network, so a simple (cheap) hard disk is all you need. I have further upgraded my sound with a better DAC which means I can sell the NDX ( for more than I paid for the DAC). The DAC also has volume control so my £1000 pre amplifier can be used for my second system (or sold). So, as well as the hugely better interface with Roon, you don’t need to spend on streamer and NAS, so can improve sound too for virtually no cost.

I see on Roon community a new extension, search for rooUPNP which may do the business without terminal use etc.
Runs on RPi 4 and costs $35, may be worth a try.
Note I have no connection to this and am about to try. I am currently using LMS2UPNP.


I’ve just spun this up on an old Pi Model B

It’s basically a wrapped version of lms-to-upnp. You create an SD card from a downloaded image, fire up the Pi and it appears in the Roon extensions with limited config options.

It’s currently free to run during a test period.

It works to an extent but the dreaded static issue has appeared, bizarrely only on 16/44 files. I’ve had this before and have always put this down to a throughput issue but the fact that the easier files are the problem puts this theory into doubt. If you enable FLAC compression in Roon it works perfectly but this does mean that the Naim device receives FLAC rather than PCM.

It will be interesting if people with the recommended Pi 4 which has more horsepower don’t have this issue.

As an appliance it’s certainly a good idea, it took 10 minutes from start to finish to get it working, but the static issue is a concern.

It does seem a bit cheeky that somebody is charging a fee for a packaged version of somebody else’s software, it feels like the main development effort was in writing the lms-to-upnp software and the Raspberry Pi Raspbian package.

I’ve posted my findings on the Roon thread.

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I did give a try earlier today. As you say a wrapped version of LMS2UPnP and nothing there that would make me change from my current LMS2UPnP solution so I decided to quit playing with it. I did play some 16/44 files but not all the way through on my RPi4 and had no static issues. Dont know whether that’s because I didn’t play enough of the file or becuase it was on a RPi4.

Ok, so the weekend is here…I have some time & an old Raspberry Pi B+…

But first just some clarification as I am starting to get a bit confused…

So I could have Roon on my iMac on the same network as a Raspberry Pi (with some Bridge software) feeding my NDX?

What Audio out do I use on the B+? It has an output labelled AV, that looks like a 3.5mm jack, but I am not sure. It has HDMI out (which could carry just audio?) and USB. Is this why I see the mention of a HAT device, which I presume is an expansion board that sits on the B+ with the appropriate output?

And therefore what high input would I use on the NDX?

Thanks in advance

Ref the “rooupnp” software mentioned: I don’t think the pi is used as anything other than a server. It’s the software that makes the roon output feed a upnp capable device, so the ndx or nds - which doesn’t support roon raat or airplay or chromecast - appears as a device in roon, which itself doesn’t use upnp.


You don’t need to worry about audio from the RPi with this solution, just connect it to network and it will allow you to use your NDX within Roon.

You may have some issues with the hardware you using for RPi but worth a go and will get you used to the process

Ref raspberry pi plus hat plus roonbridge (official) software. I don’t know if a b+ is capable/ powerful enough. A model 3 definitely is capable. In this scenario, you would be using official roonbridge software installed on the pi. The pi has an extra board attached in the shape of a digi out board eg the hifiberry. So coax out into the back of the nds or ndx. Install raspbian, install roonbridge, enable in roon, done.