Running 2nd set of speakers from SuperNait 2

Hi , first post from me . I,m looking to add a second set of speakers to my set up that will be playing same music as my main stereo set . My house is open plan with the SuperNait 2 set up in the living area . I would like a second set of speaker in my kitchen area ( smaller bookshelf type in mind Eg Dali Oberon 1,s ) Obviously the SN2 has only provision for 1 pair of speakers . I have "heard " it would be possible to run another amp alongside the SN2 and wire the speakers from the new amp . Would i be correct in thinking i could come from say , the Din out socket on the HDD connections on SN2 to go into the new amp ? I realise there will be a bit of trial and error with volume levels on second amp . I have an original Mission Cyrus 1 amp that i have in mind to utilise if it would be suitable . Am i on the right track or barking up the wrong tree ?
Cheers .

It would be better to use the din 4 biamp socket.

You’ve two options here:

The HDD out connection into an integrated amp like a Nait 5 or something.
Volume will be controlled by the second amplifier but source will match.


The Bi-amp out connection into a power amplifier, like a NAP.
Volume will track the SN2 volume.
Some power amps do have variable level controls like the NAD ones which could help level match.

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The simplest option may well be to get a splitter box with a button to switch on and off each pair of speakers. My girlfriend does this between Nova and Keilidhs in one room and Neat iota Alphas in another. The results are surprisingly good.

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If you’re going to the cost of buying an amplifier for the kitchen area, you could simply buy a suitable Naim product and use “Multi-room”.

Thanks for the info folks :+1:

Just wondering what did you end up going for in the end?

Ive still not got this in place yet but im thinking the bi-amp out into a Nap sounds like the best bet :+1:

Out of curiosity, if one was using an amplifier/power amplifier with RCA connections, would the sub-out RCAs be appropriate? I assume there is no LP filtering within the SN2. If the signal is not made into mono would this not be just as effective into a non-Naim amplifier?

The sub out is an unfiltered stereo signal, as low pass filtering and summing the signal to mono is normally carried out by the sub.
I believe the Supernaits have a resistor built into the sub out to ensure stability when using long leads, which likely causes some loss of sound quality, but there’s no harm in trying it.


Useful information thank you.

Could one option for the OP be getting an amp such as a 5si. This would give flexibility in that is could be fed at line level and use the 5si volume control. Alternative is could be fed a pre-amp level use the SN2 as control and the 5si as a power amp - a flexible option?

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Ok , so settled on HDD out to Cyrus 1 amp , and mounted Dali Oberon1 speakers . Volume levels work on both amps well . Will probably stick with this set up as we will only occasionally use this secons set of speakers in the kitchen area . Thanks for all the suggestions/ info :+1:

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