Same question, should we turn off the units or not?

How do u change the light settings on ndx2?
I have one but never knew this could be done

Never mind , just figured it out
I never use the ndx2 remote…

The “sun” button on the remote, second row on the right. Pressing repeatedly cycles through some settings

Oh well :slight_smile:

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I totally love the look and yes it is quite sparsely lit. The Chord stuff is terrible. I don’t think those who want the lights off do so for the energy consumption, that would be ridiculous, but I can see the wish if the system is e.g. under the tv and you have 8 or 10 logos glowing, as nice as they are you sometimes might want them gone when watching a movie. (And maybe turning off all units not an option if you run the tv sound through the stereo system)

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