Samsung T7 SSD usb 3.2 and Atom Uniti HE

I just ordered and tried a usb 3.2 Samsung T7 Shield plugged on the back usb of my Naim Atom Uniti HE. The SSD emits an electrical pulse buzz when connected that I can here in my headphones, when music is not playing, and independently from volume. I put my Seagate usb 3.0 back, and its dead silent. I will return the T7. There is a little blue light on the T7 that is pulsing all the time. I dont know if it has anything to do with it. Anyways it was annoying. Guess its not compatible with the Atom uniti HE.

I use Samsung T7 SSD units and don’t have that issue.
The blue light usually flickers to show data transfer, but no noise.

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Are you connected directly on back usb of Atom uniti?

Yes I have done that. Also have them in my core as well

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I think that T7 may be faulty. They are excellent SSDs and Samsung is recommended by Naim for SSD in the UnitiCore for example.


Normal or Shield version of the T7? I tried the Shield version.

I sent it back…

USB 3/C devices are I think potentially electrically noisier than USB 2, can’t remember where I read that, possibly here.

I have several Samsung T5/T7 external SSDs which are excellent but I don’t think I’ve used one with my Nova (may change).

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