SBL Parts Availbility

I spotted a pair of black SBL’s for sale at a fair price. I’m aware that tweeters can be replaced with new units whenever necessary. What about woofers and gaskets ? The idea was to use them with the forthcoming Nait50 or 202/HC/200 i already own.

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Speak to someone like James Allney at TomTom Audio, who is a bit of a magician in finding hard-to-get Naim stuff.

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There were just two SBL tweeters left in the factory’s parts store, couple of months ago…

As for the gaskets, if you can find out what material was used, I can measure my spare set.

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Oh yes, i already bought my S600 from him

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Max B. Already offered his help for gaskets rebuild whenever necessary.

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Don’t forget the washing up liquid! :grinning:


None now!

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Were the drivers in the Credo’s not the same as used in the Sibbles, albeit the Credo drivers were not matched like the Sibble ones? And after all this time, would that matching even matter anymore? In other words, could we sacrifice a pair of Credo’s to keep some Sibbles going?

I may have asked this before but, can’t remember.

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