Second career

Good luck with the switch in direction. In my 50’s I studied for a PhD with a social sciences bias; as an chemistry / environmental graduate with an MBA I thought the transition would be straight forward, but I took ages to come to grips with the terminology and social science approaches to my research. I got there in the end, but I still scratch my head at some of the things I had to grasp.


Well I tried the farming route. My siblings and I inherited a small farm and I took on the management. Our objectives (and resources) soon diverged and rather than risk a family split we sold up after 10 years. The split did materialise and is only now healing.

I bought a field and cottage off the family and now play at conservation with a few trees …


Not so much second career but several career breaks including training as a yoga teacher. My jobs have had some diversity and have been in a few different industries but all trading off the back of being a finance professional. Currently running the international part of a business in the magazine publishing industry, far removed from finance in the traditional sense. I am about to embark on a leadership coaching course through work and I can imagine transitioning to something along those lines in the future.


Spent about 30 years in the software industry - tech support, sales support, training, documentation, quality control, product management - anything but coding. Finally, once the mortgage was paid off and the kids were through uni, I could afford to indulge myself. Got level 2 and 3 horticulture qualifications from the RHS and became a gardener. It’s a great life if you don’t need to earn much money. Now (garden) volunteering at a local hospice and an English Heritage property.


Brill Cliff.

I was a ship’s Master and joined the tech industry to sell computers. 34 years later I’m still doing it!


I started as a research scientist (food science, specifically starch).
Then went into scientific instrument engineering (spectroscopy tools for chemical kinetics research)
Then software systems deign for a high street financial organisation.
No I have 2 part time volunteering jobs:
… designing solutions for a friend’s company that make tools for needle felting
… working on a mental health helpline.

So 2 90° changes and then on to two completely separate and orthogonal dimensions!

No wonder I’m slightly nuts (but there again is that cause or effect?).


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