Second pair of speakers for pop and rock

I had transmission line speakers in the past (TDL Monitor if I remember correctly), ported speakers after that and now sealed.
In my experience the bass response got quicker and the timing better with each of these steps.

So when timing of bass is crucial like with some rock music, (or say funk, reggae, house etc.) I would tend towards ported or sealed.

Also in my experience, sealed speakers do not excite room modes that much - maybe because of their quick bass response?

Maybe a sealed speaker will not go that low like a transmission line, but a sealed speaker might be quicker.

Of course this is just my experience and modern transmission lines might behave differently.

My little PMCs have much tighter and faster bass than any ported speaker Iā€™ve tried. Iā€™m not sure there are any simple rules.

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How so?

Many speakers in my experience have difficulties playing at low volumes. A few models are very much better. Typically with very low ā€˜late nightā€™ levels the music starts to lose presence and impact. The sound recedes into the boxes and the whole thing becomes rather muted and unengaging.

Kans and IBLā€™s were very good in this regard. Both sealed boxes. My Klipsch Forte IIIā€™s are truly excellent at very low levels and are again sealed - though with auxialliary bass radiators. They retain exactly the same character - they are just quieter.

I donā€™t think there are any specific recipes for success here. It depends on the actual performance and characteristics of the particular amp/speaker combination in question.

If I was to single out one thing I would say that you need a speaker/amp combination that has excellent dynamic range ability. By which I mean the ability to go louder and quieter without the sound changing in character.

Itā€™s surprising how many speakers are not very good at this. So many speakers seem to require a lot of Watts up them before they start to sing.

No, but simply because of their reduced bass output.

ABRs make them behave similarly to ported speakers, not sealed boxes!

Yes. Thatā€™s why I pointed out that whilst they are actually sealed rather than vented in any way they do have ABRā€™s.

Neat speakers seem to well regarded in terms of low volume listening and Iā€™ve seen a number of reviews that have praised the Majistraā€™s for this (the ear, and the legendary Mike & Daveā€™s Hi-Fi riff). They also seem to be forgiving of poor recordings so could meet your requirements - maybe worth a demo anyway.

Thanks. Yes I definitely think those Neats are good options , having read various reviews and forum comments. They seem to be a step up in resolution on the Ekstra, based on things I have read.

I can probably get a demo of them at a dealer, but not at home. Just not sure if the Orkestra would overwhelm with the isobaric bass, as I have a hardwood floating floor. Majistra could be a safer option there.

I canā€™t find measurements on them, so not quite sure if the ribbon tweeter gets quite bright.

I think the D7.2s will replace the Harbeth and give a good account of themselves with both classical and rock music with the 250. Try them and if suitable trade or sell the Harbeths.

Iā€™ve found the opposite. My PMCs were a doddle to place. The speakers I had the most trouble with were Neats. Rooms eh?

Thanks. Is the nova series more fussy?

I tried the d7.2 but the dealer said they only had 15 hours on them and they were sounding a bit too lean in the midrange. Wonder if break in was the issue.

It is possible. I eventually went for the D9.2ā€™s for a largish space. They took at least 50 hours to settle and the dealer recommendation of 100 hours seemed a fair estimate. I did find that even small movements to find their final position had a big impact. An extra inch mattered, as did toe in to a point just behind my head. I havenā€™t found any lack of mid range with these, (powered by a 300DR).

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So they say.

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The Petite Classics are speakers that Iā€™m considering too, along with the Majistra - they have got some superb reviews. Can i ask how you think they perform at low to moderate volume?

Has anyone here had experience with the Marten Oscar Duo?

Based on my experience, the Naim is not a good match to Marten speakers, specifically Duke 2. In my case itā€™s the 282/HicapDR/250DR. I suspect this should apply to the Oscar Duo as well. Another Duke 2 user switched from the 552/300DR to Class A for better sound quality.

As usual, YMMV

Thanks. Is this because they need a bit more added warmth in the midrange?

The Marten are very revealing speakers and they revealed a glare in the treble with the 282/HCDR/250DR apart from showing a forced delivery. There is no glare in the treble with the Harbeth when the same amps were used. The Marten sounds more fluid with increased levels of nuance and detail when driven by a Luxman.

I have the Petite Classics paired with my Nait 50 on my second system. Theyā€™re a great match with the Nait and with the SN3 I heard at the dealers.
No issues at all with low volume listening.

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