Second pair of speakers for pop and rock

Yes, the Duke 2 is a great speaker best matched with Class A amps. I have these with my Sugden amps (Sapphire series and with a21se) on my main system and they are an excellent match.

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Yes, my Luxman is a Class A too albeit might not match your big Sugden Sapphire amps. Great match.
I am currently still on the Graham LS5/9 and will need to switch to the Duke 2 soon.

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When buying my last set of speakers, I auditioned some Harbeths (can’t remember what model) against a pair of ATC SCM19’s.

The only equipment available for the test was a NAIM Atom (I live in the south of Spain. Not an extensive network of dealers out here on the edge of Europe). I needed to make a judgement based on what I thought the speakers would do when paired with my own NAP250DR as opposed to the little Atom. My impression of the Harbeths were that they sounded very detailed and seemed to relay bass quite well but might therefore be a bit overwhelmed by gutsier amplification. The ATC’s on the other hand, were obviously struggling, but I guessed this was because they were being underfed. As I had read often enough on this forum that the ATC’s worked well with amps like the 250 and upwards, and there was a previous co-production history with NAIM, I took a gamble and bought the ATC’s and paired them with heavy Atacama stands with sand-filled legs.

I chose well. They’re good for all genres right across the spectrum in my opinion.

I think it’s safe to assume the SCM40’s would behave similarly and so I’d recommend you give them serious consideration.


I had the Harbeth SHL5 Plus 40th for a while and used it with 552/300DR. In my opinion they are extremely well suited for rock, which is mainly what I listen to. Then I upgraded to the 40.2s and 500. Even more suited to rock! I also listen to some jazz and other stuff. They are also very suited for that. And all other types of music. In my humble opinion of course.

I was on a similar hunt not too long ago. I wanted something similar sounding to the Harbeth C7es3 but with more edge and attack in my secondary system. In the end, I settled for the ATC SCM19 actives. They rock hard even with just the Superuniti preamp powering them. I came very close to getting the Dynaudio Heritage Specials but decided they sound a bit too much like my Harbeths. I sometimes regret not going for the Heritage its tweeter is mystifyingly good.

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Neat Motive 1, 2 or sx2

@MikeD The SCM40 and DR250 work extremely well together, well I would say that I have had this pairing for about 3 years now and would likely keep it for many more. However this plan was scuppered when Naim brought out the NC250 and that works even better, so I am planning on getting that next year. That being said, I am very happy with the current system and I I couldn’t afford the new amp would be happy sticking with my current set up.

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canton 7k or 8k look quite interesting, has anyone tried them?
As well as the monitor gold 200.
Although the measurements for both seem to suggest a slightly boosted upper bass.

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