Servicing a NAC 72 & NAP 140

My amp is around 22 years old and is in need of a service. Naim quoted me about £800 to service both units, which is more than these amps are worth. Any suggestions where (near Edinburgh) such servicing could be done at a more realistic price?

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The only Naim authorised service agent in the UK is Class A in Sheffield who are very good, and cheaper than Naim themselves. They can organise shipping for you.
Discussion of unauthorised service is outside of forum rules, so you’re on your own if you choose that route.


Google - HiFi Repairs.

+1 from me. All my recent servicing has been done by @Darran at Class A, including reworking of a set of 523 S boards to E spec, as well as normal servicing (82, 250, HiCap, XPS, 140, etc).


When serviced by Class A, they should be worth rather more than £800.

Both will need doing, but I would guess that the 140 needs a service more.


Get a Class A quote. There’s actually not too much to do to the 72.

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I will guess at around £200 per unit.

I know everyone has different ideas about worth and value. My view is that even at £800 you’ll have a great performing pre/power amplifier, good for years to come. If you left it another 22 years (which is admittedly longer than the recommended service intervals) it’s only £36/year.

I’ve previously had Naim kit like a NAIT3 and UnitiQute 1, serviced for more than their worth on paper. And been very happy with the result, and had no issues with perceived value for money.

Having said all that, Class A sounds much cheaper, and is an authorised option, so I would categorically use them if it is an option!


To give peeps an idea of cost at Class A, i had a 2010 Flatcap XS serviced just before Christmas. As you can see, a very reasonable cost and was done in about an hour.


I can also vouch for Class A. I had my 180 serviced and CDX fixed back in 2012. My friend just had his supercap serviced by Class A and I’m about to call Darran about my nap 250.2 and supercap.


That is wonderful, great you have that option in the UK.

Here in the Netherlands I would either have to go through the national distributor, or send it off to Italy myself, both options at greater expense and time.

I wonder what it would take to become an “authorised Naim service center”, perhaps I should/could interest a local party to apply for such certification.


Another vote for Darran at Class A who must have serviced 20+ items without issue.


Yes Class A is a top act but has become unavailable to us in Europe since Brexit. I understood that LASA in Italy is also a class act but that’s actually a lot further away than the UK is from here.

I’m sometimes surprised that there isn’t a whole section on the Naim website devoted to servicing. For me it has always been a major selling point of the quality brand and it’s even more relevant with today’s Zeitgeist of repairable thus circular and sustainable.

Detailing their philosophy and highlighting examples of Naim’s dedication to this for over 50 years would be fitting. It would also be a space to list Naim’s own service centers (Salisbury, Slovakia?) and the three (UK, I, USA) authorised service centers. Plus instruction of the procedures to get your gear serviced. Also guidelines per product, pass-through times and price lists. And yes perhaps even an explanation of the certification involved and how to apply. Just a little less mystery involved.


What a good point… :thinking:

IMO, there should be something - at least listing the Authorised Service Centres for each major region - so UK, Europe & Canada/US.


Thanks for all the helpful comments and suggestions!


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