Seven Years with Uniti Core

I know David. I guess I’m a eternal optimist.:blush:
It would be nice if someone came on here from Naim and explained the future company strategy for the Core. Has it reached its full production development, except for bug fixes or does Naim realise they could have done much better with the software. I would suspect, that if Naim revisited the Core software and released a new one, that future new Core sales would show a significant increase. :blush:

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So for you, you would not hear any difference between ethernet or usb? I believe that when you use ethernet, that ram buffering in the Zenith, is not used. I currently use ethernet to a Phoenix Net and wondering if was worth getting a USB to S/PDIF converter. Appreciate your experiences and viewpoints.

No, not really, but then again I don’t listen to the USB all that often. I hooked it up more as an exercise in the art of the possible as I had a Meridian Explorer Mk I that I wasn’t using for anything else - Mk I as the Mk II does not have the optical output.

The UPNP served content from the Zenith Mk III SSD is excellent to the extent that I wouldn’t have bought a USB to SPDIF converter just to find out……


An old Unitiserve runs 16bit Linux just fine :smile: but then it’s just a very old basic PC motherboard.

As I understand, if you use ethernet you are not using the Zenith’s ram buffering?

Actually the Unitiserve runs Windows XP Embedded, not Linux.

Not if you upgrade it.

As I said

Then it’s not a Unitiserve any more. And it’s outside the Forum rules to discuss modifications to hardware or software if any Naim product.

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A couple of questions relating to metadata on FLAC ripped files on Core.

There is a composer category but this rarely gets picked up on classical CDs during metadata search. As far as I can see there is no way when editing metadata to add content in this category - in other words editing is restricted to modifying the content in any categories that happen to be picked up by the automated search. Is this correct or have I missed a function?

Amongst the metadata search categories, for example, Rovi, is ‘Custom’ - what function does this have? It never seems to pick up any data.


I hope has software upgrade can let user enable the DoP function in CORE

Which is best for sound quality? Is there any difference?
Music stored on network nas vs on internal hard disk (traditional or solid state)? If i completely remove internal disk gives any advantage?

There is no agreed preference. Some people prefer one and some the other.

And having no internal hard drive or SSD in the Core has no effect on sound quality. SSD may be preferred because a hard disc runs 24/7 unless the Core is put into deep sleep and it’s audible if you have the Core in your listening room whereas an SSD will be silent.

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David - I posted a couple of questions a few posts back and I wondered if you could throw any light on them?

Sorry I did see that st the time, but then forgot to answer.

The composer category isn’t editable, nor is the conductor category. So you get what the metadata provider gives you, which may be nothing, or anything in fact. Naim is fully aware of this shortcoming and the desire of classical music users to have it changed, but my impression from a discussion I had with them some years ago is that there is some licensing reason why they haven’t introduced it.

If you are up for a hack, then there are several things you could do. It’s covered in the Core notes in the forum FAQ but basically you can copy the files, edit them with a metadata editor and then paste them back to the Core. The lower risk option would be to paste them into the Downloads folder and then delete the old version from the Music folder using the Naim app. A higher risk option would be to paste into the Music folder and then rebuild the music database. It’s not a supported feature but apparently does work.

Custom is just what Naim calls a setting that contains the edits you have done, for example where nothing was returned by any of the metadata databases and you enter it all yourself.

Many thanks, David. I feared that would be your reply. I had a problem ripping one CD on the Core and instead did it on my Mac, and then pasted the files into the Core downloads folder. So I could do that. I wonder if there would be any SQ difference when ripping via the Mac. I suppose one option would be to rip all classical CDs first to my Mac which does produce composer metadata.

And thanks for the explanation of the Custom tab - I suspected it was related to user editing of the metadata but hoped it provided more functionality.

Ask yourself this question. How many people work at Innuos? I think most members, who have experience of it, seem to like the software they produce. So it begs the question, why does Naim does not do something about the Core software. Well first, there has to be the desire within the company. Secondly, is the objective achievable with the limitations of the Core hardware. Thirdly, does it clash with future project aspirations. Maybe someone from Naim would like to comment :rainbow:

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In my opinion the Core and its predecessors are another example of Naim spreading themselves too thinly in the past. Looking at Naim today (before the slightly left-field CI launch which might just be an example of old habits dying hard) it is tightly focused - on streaming DACs and amplifiers plus Muso. Very sensibly too, that is what they are best at.

I’ve read plenty on here dismissing the Core (and the U/S before it) as an over-priced NAS. If you were running a business and that is what a significant portion of your customer base told you they thought of one of your products, would you continue to invest in it or do something else? On the something else, Naim still have plenty to do to make Tidal Connect glitch free.

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Guess i’m just to easily pleased because I absolutely love my Core. I’m on my third unit mind. Unfortunately, the jig Naim used to install the top plate had moved slightly. Thus, the top plate on the Core itself wasn’t quite fitting correctly. It wasn’t until I sent back the second unit and made a quick phonecall to Naim that the issue was spotted and resolved.
Really was first class customer service to be honest. :wink:


Me too, I’ve not had any issues it does exactly what’s it meant to do. Odd a few that seem to do most of the whinging have never owned one.


:joy: That sounds about right