Seven Years with Uniti Core

I thought it used to be 99 and was increased, but I might have been dreaming. Anyway, I’m sure if @CliveB plays 500 Grateful Dead tracks in a row, he’ll get a visit from the men in white coats.


I’m pretty sure the limit has always been 500 tracks. On 1st gen streamers there’s an easy workaround of you really need more, but it doesn’t work on 2nd gen.

I think it may be 99 on the newer uniti streamers (eg Atom, Star) in server mode.

Too late - after more than 50 years of the Dead they’ve already been.


7 days before the launch of the Roon Nucleus Titan


For those interested by Roon.

For those interested by Roon…………or………….For those with deep pockets. :shushing_face:


The 500 track max is a limitation of the app, not the server or streamer. There’s no further limit from servers on the 2nd gen streamers.

See I told you make a list :rofl::rofl::rofl:

3,6 k dollars. Don’t know if you pay for a fancy case or if they made a huge upgrade of the original Nucleus.


Yep…… :roll_eyes:

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Yes, it’s the App.
I’ve never understood this and see it as a bit of an Achilles Heel having the App involved in this regard, though I guess due to the designed architecture it’s the one sending the instructions between server and streamer….I guess they limited it to 500 to protect resource usage of the App on the client device, but it does seem on the small side….I would think most phones and tablets could easily accommodate an increase in memory use….or, have it as a preference in the App, much like you can do with ‘Stay Connected’….That way the App could continually process the Playlist and send updated instructions through to the Streamer etc……?

Find it all a bit lacking. If I put a Mac on Shuffle in iTunes, it will play my library non stop for 70 odd days straight…!

In fact, re iTunes and iOS…if I use the Remote App on iOS to control iTunes on said Mac, and start shuffle play…the App is continuously updated with what is currently playing as well as displaying upcoming tracks etc, so clearly is a two way communication to the Mac, which will be carrying out the ‘processing’ of the shuffle play……Perhaps, with Naim and UPnP, there should be more heavy lifting done by the server (Core) in terms of playlists etc, which then communicates with the App in a more continuous manner……?
But I can see the official answer now – ‘We didn’t design for that and the Core lacks the processor capabilities for such a function’……:face_with_diagonal_mouth:


There is Bob Hope and there is no hope. The latter being the chances of myself buying a Roon Titan. Currently musing whether to keep my Nucleus and Zenith, or just the Zenith. Have you any update from EAR on your power amplifier?

I would not hold your breath, as it could be a long wait…….:blush:

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I should receive maybe mi- February. It’s made on order.
Why you think of not keeping the Zenith?

Not long then to wait :blush: The other way round, thinking of keeping Zenith, getting rid of Nucleus and Stack Audio power supply.

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I wonder, seeing as Naim have chosen not to respond to this thread If, there is something new in the works, to be released soon ! That could be a new product or entirely new software :blush:

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Naim never, ever, respond to any comments or questions about possible new products.

New product, new price or foc software update……. Hmmm, that’s a tricky one in light of the announced price increases. :innocent:

Given the Unix based architecture of the Core, there’s no reason why a completely new software package could not be developed delivering everyone’s asks but depends on whether Naim have the inclination and development capabilities to actually deliver such a product.

I replaced a UnitiServe with an Innuos Zenith Mk III, though a Zen Mini would have sufficed equally well, rather than a Core, have never looked back and the software is the subject of a continuing development and update release programme.

I suppose you pays your money and takes your choice.


“I suppose you pays your money and takes your choice.”
True, so very true.
Regarding your Zenith Mkiii, what is it connected to and how do you have it connected?

Hi NN,

Mk III is hardwired (Ethernet) to an Apple AirPort Express acting as a wireless LAN extender and USB through a Meridian Explorer Mk I DAC to one of the optical inputs of my NSC 222, enabling playback of Mk III content either as UPNP Server or directly using the Innuos Sense App.

I do not perceive any significant difference between the two, bearing in mind that the Explorer only acts as a USB to optical protocol converter - confirmed with Meridian support that a USB in to optical out bypasses the DAC functionality.