Shelves or bookcase for Naim elements instead of Fraim

Takoyaki to be honest she has a very good tolerance towards my hifi music she enjoys it as much as me, one day I changed a interconnect to show the difference in sound once from a very cheap to one that cost around £100 sh was shocked at the difference and said she didn’t expect such a difference, but asking her to hold the CD player up whilst playing it to see if it makes a difference I just know the answer I’d get, something like are you taking the############ you can fill the hatches in, and that’s coming from a person who has master degrees coming out off her ears and a pH in education it sounds funny in her posh voice :joy::joy:


It was a bit tongue in cheek really but glad folks have a good sense of humour here. There’s no way I’d entertain anyone, including my hugely patient wife, indulging this sort of nonsense :joy:

Great thread though and it’s good to see the many (stylish) alternatives to the hifi rack. Hopefully it’ll give the OP some peace of mind.

Ye gods, the floor!

Sounds wonderful.



Hi Armaud. My gear is on a basic tiered stand. It’s solidly built tho, and everything sounds wonderful. So what you’re planning should be fine. Sure, the Fraim is better, mais, c’est la vie.

Just avoid stacking the components at all costs. They can leave marks, but there are also electro-magnetic interferences between stacked units which can adversely affect the SQ. It also says in the manuals to not stack them, so you probably weren’t going to anyway.
Just some thoughts.
Best of luck.

Floor isn’t terrible at all, just makes for… “interesting” ergonomics.

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I have had to use all kinds of places for domestic peace! This is perhaps my most wrong headed, the 62 pre-amp is perched on top of the KEF 103.2’s whilst the LP12 and 140/Hi-Cap are on the stand. Perfect and I do not recall any issues with the sound!My daughter is un-impressed! My excuse is that It was hard to get good equipment stands in Bahrain at that time (circa 1994) and I had to drive to Riyahd to get something suitable, about 500 miles each way. I have now grown up and have a Fraim.

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