Shoddy advertising - how do they get away with it?

Learning to meditate could perhaps benefit you considerably :relaxed:

Perhaps, but I think the stumbling block is me - I’m pretty self-critical and perhaps don’t see beyond my own perceived failings in life most of the time, but if I’m away from work and connect with nature I’m a different creature entirely.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step: we have all made mistakes and have regrets but learning to love yourself in the face of equanimity could be considered equally important to emotional well being :relaxed:

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Wise words, I used to take life’s challenges in my stride, perhaps there have just been too many ‘knocks/setbacks’ in the last decade or so that my resilience has waned, I’m only just realising this and am more positive than I have been for quite some time.

Interestingly in terms of meditation/contemplation the place where I often seem to enter such a state is the sauna at the gym where I just sit relaxed and think about things unpressurised, that may sound odd but there’s not much else to do.

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In the words of bonsai masters, there are many ways to solve the problem at hand. Knocks/setbacks could be construed as temporary as long as we consider that there are infinite possibilities to be explored :relaxed:

I’m not sure if the traffic light system has been in place long enough to have a noticeable effect yet, and of course many people ignore advice and eat what they like anyway - or forget/ignore the additive effect of those between-meal snacks, the bag of chips (with no labelling at all), the late night picking etc etc.

I guess it doesn’t help that it is now considered unacceptable to call people fat, plump, overweight, chubby or whatever, while ‘curves’ have come to mean voluminous fat on various parts of the body rather than simply a shapely body.


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And, to be fair, in the words of all non-monomaniacs.


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