Should we ban political posts?


If a thread gets out of hand. I would delete (moderate) any totally unacceptable posts, then “Lock” the thread for posterity.

If the subject is still of real interest, the OP of the “Locked” thread or somebody else, can easily start a new thread on a similar subject and hope that the contributors to the new thread behave. Otherwise this new thread gets the same treatment.

This way, any useful contributions to these political (or other) threads isn’t totally wasted.

Sure, i’m speaking from experience. I’ve lost count of the number of threads that I started and have subsequently disappeared into oblivion. It’s a bit frustrating.


Banning is, in itself, a political act - and one that makes me uncomfortable.

Ignore threads you don’t like.
Show courtesy.
Resist the urge to offend or retaliate, tempting though it may be.

Far better, surely, to deal with bad behaviour than to impose a blanket ban on potentially useful, entertaining and informative discussion.


or keep voting until we get the results we want…! Sounds that we need a second referendum, or a third to validate the second…

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I’m not voting as I don’t fully understand what the vote is for and its consequences.


Isn’t it rather up to our hosts, Naim?

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No need for that as, unlike the UK since 2016, the population hasn’t changed since the first survey this morning!

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I can appreciate what a pain in the arse it is for Richard to moderate political threads. Nevertheless I remember this forum around 10-15 years ago. There seemed to be a lot more ‘colourful’ exchanges than is the case now. The forum now seems a fair bit tamer and, dare I say corporate. Speaking of colourful characters, whatever happened to the somewhat controversial correspondent from Swindon?

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I have no idea why I contribute. Perhaps it’s your posts that make me feel I want to respond. I didn’t see the specific posts that led to the last one being dropped, but although most try to express their views politely, one or two do descend to name calling. Still what I read of the last thread seemed mostly harmless.

My preference is not to discuss politics at the moment wherever I am because it seems to stir up aggression in some folk. However, if the discussion starts then I find myself contributing.

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As an outsider, my take on this subject is that your country is going through a period of history the importance of which, for you, has not been seen since WWII. If BBC America is to be believed, the Brexit discussion is permeating all aspects of British life.

Since all sorts of subjects beyond audio are discussed thoughtfully on this forum, in my opinion there should be room for Brexit and British politics. I like reading how the thinking of Don, Mike B, and Innocent Bystander among many many others has evolved as events have moved forward these last three years. I share with friends here in the U.S what I read here even as we discuss our own national issues!! Most contributors do just fine albeit with a bit of emotion from time to time. So, I would hate to lose this thread and all it’s insights.

For me, this is where Richard comes in. I think Richard has done a great job moderating this forum over the years. I have never read any moderations or comments of his that I did not think productive and fair. For me, if we have folks not taking moderation or crapping on threads I have no problem with them being booted from the forum at Richard’s judgement with no further explanations necessary. The opportunity to freely express ones thinking comes with the responsibility to do so productively and with respect for others and for the folks sponsoring this forum. We’re adults right?


Instead of going around in circles and eventually contributing to the thread… it’s either

Better to say you will contribute in the areas you feel like


Ignore the thread.

Some people can’t choose between the two and choose the Ban option.

They want to be on the winning side…

Heads… I win
Tails… You lose

Strange times.



I accept judgements even if some cases I consider them completely wrong.

In the case of Richard’s superb moderation, I not only accept it, but also consider it completely right.

I think it is far less important than wars, national health and other things, but the media and some commentators have blown it up out of proportion. Controversial copy sells.

Define a political thread?

This has been an interesting thread, and while the question of whether the forum should be politics-free has been mooted on a number of previous occasions in recent months, the timing here is prescient considering recent events, so thank you Mike S for your poll and for getting the conversation started. As forum moderator, I felt it fairest to allow you all to discuss the matter freely today, and to allow the poll some time before considering the result. Before making this post here I’ve also consulted with Naim’s Managing director, Charlie Henderson to discuss the forum and to get Naim’s view on the way forward.

I have always seen the Naim forum as a Naim hosted open house or club where Naim customers, fans, music lovers, dealers, distributors, and staff are invited to gather to share our passion for music and for Naim audio. We come here to talk about music on formats both new and old, as well to discuss Naim kit from the past, the present and sometimes even the future, speculating on what we’d like to see from Naim further down the road. In the spirit of the open house, some of us bring some fantastic wines along too - even if we can often only enjoy them vicariously via the “which wine are you drinking?” thread! The forum is a treasure trove of advice and experience that enables members to maximise the enjoyment gleaned from their Naim kit and it also serves as a salve and comfort for when things sometimes go wrong. This is the heart of what the Naim forum is all about.

The padded cell has always been a room of the forum where members can discuss things outside of music, Naim and hifi in general. Much like its namesake, it has also served as a holding room for some of the more contentious and rancorous discussions, none more so than the threads on politics and religion. Recently we have all seen how the political threads in particular have begun to undermine the spirit of unity and community here. A number of us have felt that this has now reached a tipping point where it’s time to re-evaluate why we’re here and what the forum stands for.

I have ruminated on this very question before on here and my answer has always been clear and consistent; We are a diverse membership, coming here from all over the globe, from a wide variety of backgrounds, sometimes coming here to learn, sometimes to teach, but always to share and be united by our love of music and our passion for Naim Audio.

So, for the sake of the unity and harmony of the forum, and based on what appears to be a fairly clear majority of opinion among the regular posting membership here , we’ve decided that from hereon, when you enter the forum, you are coming here to celebrate what unites us, our common passion and interest, and to that end, the discussion of religion and politics will be left at the door.

I understand that some of you will be disappointed by this, but as the brief hiatus of political discussion over this summer showed, the forum will be a happier, more convivial and more united place for it.

Many thanks, Richard

p.s. Of course, the question of what defines a political thread has been raised on this thread. As far as this forum is concerned, the definition of what is a political thread is ultimately down to moderators discretion. However for benefit of any doubt, it could include any conversation that is deemed by the moderators to be mainly involving matters of a country’s governance and any debate between opposing parties, their members or supporters. Note that I have also now closed the poll. Again, thank you Mike S.


I only just saw this thread so missed the pole. Is it the case that any threads deemed political by the moderators will/have been removed?


Yes, that’s correct.


To me the decision is a pity, but I understand it.

I have learnt a fair bit, and enjoyed the threads in part, though not always.

To some, @TiberioMagadino comes to mind, if has been interesting that in many areas on the forum our views seem quite aligned, but so different with Brexit. That alone has made parts of the discussion interesting.

Oh well, life moves on, I obviously hope that the outcome of Brexit gives what I think is right, but regardless, given that we cannot continue discussion I wish for everyone to get the best out of it, whether or not what happens is what you, or I, want.

Even more so I hope that the country can move beyond today’s political wrangling and become good again - I am actually outside the UK at the moment, but expect to return in the next two or three years, when want it to be the best place in the world that it used to be and I believe it still can be.

Meanwhile, thank you to Naim for allowing things so far, and to @Richard.Dane for your perseverence and patience.

Now, where’s that cable thread…


I think, as much as I regret the decision, that it’s probably for the best.

Some of the aspects of others personalities that have been exposed has caused me to have thoughts ‘lacking in generosity’ about them and I’m sure others have felt that way about me.

Still, it’s a shame that we couldn’t be mature enough to discuss important issues without letting it get personal.

A double shame since I have more time on my hands at the moment than I’ve had in about 30 years!


The political posts here are pretty mild to what I’m accustomed to on a much larger site devoted to adventure motorcycle riding where I moderate. We keep the forum in the basement where it’s not allowed to bleed over into the content forums and it has only a handful of basic rules which allow a lot of latitude for offensive speech. I rather enjoy it at times but you do see a lot of darkness in people, esp when the author is masked by the anonymity of the internet. We’re going on 20 years as a site and I’ve met and ridden with many of the people that participate there which influences significantly how we engage one another. I will say the Trump years have fatigued some of these relationships but that is the case with family members and friends alike. I vote for keeping the political discussion here b/c people have a choice to not participate.

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Start a thread!

for me the Greta Thunberg thread was not political. My opinion at least. Just some rare comments on politics or religion, which were removed. But globally it divided opinion but was not political.

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